When do babies start understanding words?

understanding words

Understanding words. Babies start learning language before they’re born. By the time you look into their eyes for the first time, they’re already capable of recognizing your voice. Each new day is a learning opportunity. In the first few months, your baby learns how to interpret the emotion in your voice and how to communicate through smiles. Around 6 months, babies can recognize their name, and by 12 months they’ll start to understanding words simple, spoken commands.


Babies can’t speak a language, but they’re fast learners. Research shows that babies hear in the womb early in the second trimester, and they start listening to your voice between months 6 and 7 of your pregnancy.

Once born, your baby begins to recognize shifts in the pitch and level of your voice. They don’t know the meaning of the words you use, but they’re observing how your speech conveys your emotions – such as happiness, sadness, love, concern, anxiety, and anger.

Next they tune into the sounds you make – your words and sentence patterns. These are important skills they’ll need to figure out what you’re saying.

When babies understanding words and commands

Newborn to 1 month

Newborn babies spend their waking hours using their senses to take in the world around them. They use their powers of observation to learn about some of the more complicated things – like love, trust, time, and cause and effect – that exist in their physical and emotional world.

Your baby is emotionally attuned to the people closest to them. They respond to the tone of your voice, your smile, and the comfort of your touch.

Your baby forms their version of reality based on the way you respond to them – feeling secure because you come to them when they cry and feed them when they’re hungry. They’re already learning that your voice belongs to someone they can trust.

2 to 3 months

Your baby continues to soak up everything in their environment, and their favorite activity is watching what goes on around them. At this stage, you’ll notice that just the sound of your voice might be enough to calm your upset baby. Based on the information they’ve taken in during their first months of life, they understand you’ll be there when they need you.

Your baby’s first smile is a delight, and it’s an important part of their foundational communication skills. Your baby enjoys the response they elicit with their grin and comes to understand that smiling is one way to let you know they’re satisfied. By 3 months, they’ll add some cooing and gurgling sounds to their smile, initiating a primitive form of conversation (“smile talk”) with you.

4 to 7 months

By 6 months old, your baby will learn to recognize their name. When you say it, they’ll know you’re talking to them. Try saying their name from nearby and notice how they respond. They might grow quiet, turn their head toward you, or break out in a grin.

Your baby is becoming even more attuned to the tone of your voice, too. When you sound happy, they might react joyfully, and if you speak to them sharply they may become distressed and cry.

Babies hear at higher pitches than adults do, so speaking in “parentese” (higher-pitched speech with a sing-song, exaggerated quality) can boost their language learning.

While your baby doesn’t yet understanding words the meaning of the words you say, they’ll start to babble and even have “conversations” with you. These little chats happen when they respond to your voice by squealing, kicking their legs, babbling, or laughing.

8 to 12 months

At 12 months old, your baby will recognize simple and short commands. They’ll understanding words the meaning of the word “no.” Say “no” when they try to touch an electrical outlet, for example, and they’ll pause and look at your face – and maybe even shake their head “no” in return.

Your baby may also test your responses to their behavior to better understanding words the meaning of the words you say. They might throw food on the floor just to see what you’ll do, and then file your response in their memory bank. Later they’ll test the waters again to see whether you react the same way. (Your baby isn’t trying to be naughty – they’re not yet able to intentionally make the choice to follow or break a rule.)

At this age, babies can often follow very basic instructions like “sit down.” They’ll start to participate in games like peek-a-boo, and they might say their first words. All of these are signs of their flourishing language skills.

They’re also beginning to associate gestures with certain actions and words, such as waving goodbye when someone leaves the room or shaking their head back and forth to refuse something to eat. Teaching babies gestures is important for their language development, just like speaking to them.

13 to 18 months

For many babies, the months following their first birthday are marked by big leaps in language learning. Toddlers will understanding words and use five or more words by 18 months old.

This is a fun age of exploration, and you can watch your child learning in real time. By 18 months, they’ll be able to point to at least one body part when you say it aloud. They’re learning the names of their toys and will point to things to show interest.

How to help your baby communicate

Babies thrive in safe and loving environments. Seeing your smile and hearing your calm tone of voice is soothing to them, and helps them learn. Here are other ways to encourage language and communication skills:

  • Right from birth, talk to your baby throughout the day, narrating where you’re going and what you’re doing. Face-to-face communication is crucial for language development. As they grow older, point to things and talk about them. The more words babies hear every day, the more words they’ll come to know and use later.
  • Start reading to your baby when they’re a newborn and you’ll give them a boost in learning speech. Although your baby won’t understanding words or be able to follow the story, they’ll pick up on the rhythms, patterns, and rhymes in language. This prepares their brain to learn grammar and vocabulary.
  • Playing with your child helps them learn more about the way the world works. Challenge them with age-appropriate toys and games to encourage their mental and physical development.
  • Praise good behavior more than you point out bad behavior. Try to encourage behaviors you want to see in your child about four times more often than you redirect bad behaviors.
  • Be affectionate and show your child how much you love and care for them.
  • Newborns are tested for hearing loss during their first days of life, but it might develop over time. Keep an eye out for clues that your baby might have problems with hearing. If they don’t startle at loud noises or show signs of recognizing your voice within the first three months of life, ask their pediatrician about having their hearing tested.

What to do if your baby doesn’t seem to understanding words

Every baby is different and will hit milestones at their own pace. Your baby might add new skills slightly earlier or later than expected.

However, not hitting certain benchmarks can indicate an underlying issue. You’re the best person to gauge your baby’s speech development. If they show any signs that concern you, talk to the doctor about the possibility of a development delay or hearing problem.

  • Respond to sounds around them by 6 months old
  • Respond to their own name by 9 months old
  • Follow simple directions by 18 months old

After your baby understanding words, what’s next?

The number of words your child knows and says will continue to grow rapidly. In the next few years, they’ll comprehend ever more complex ideas and situations, such as counting to 10, telling the difference between fantasy and reality, and understanding words and rules.

Around 2 years old, they’ll likely be able to talk to you in two- or three-word phrases and will know the names of familiar people. Your child will know the names of body parts and point to some of them when you ask.

By 2.5 years old, kids can usually follow simple instructions, even those that include two steps. You can say “pick up your doll and hand it to me,” and they’ll know what you mean. (Of course, they might not always be eager to follow your commands!)

Around age 3, your child’s growing vocabulary will enable them to have back and forth conversations using two to three sentences. They’ll also ask “who,” “what,” “where,” and “why” questions. For more on how speech develops over time, see your child’s talking timeline.

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