What kind of water to use for baby formula

baby formula

Baby formula. Clean tap water is the best water to use to prepare infant formula, though there are other options. If your water is unsafe, you only have access to well water that might have contaminants, or your baby formula is susceptible to infection, it’s best to boil your water first before preparing formula. Along with using clean water, be sure to prepare formula safely to avoid contamination.

One important consideration is fluoride. Fluoride is good for your baby, since it helps prevent tooth decay. You’ll want to use water to make formula that contains some fluoride. But too much can cause fluorosis, which looks like faint white lines or streaks on the teeth. It doesn’t impact the health of the teeth, though, and can only develop before your baby’s teeth come in.

What water to use with formula

Tap water

If possible, use clean, fluoridated tap water to make your baby’s formula. Tap water is almost always the safest option for your baby, as long as there’s no known local contamination. If you’re worried about the safety of your tap water, check with your local water district.

If you live in an old house that may have lead pipes, run your faucet for two minutes every morning before you use the water for cooking or drinking. This reduces the chance of lead and other mineral contamination. Also have your water tested for lead, since exposure to lead can be harmful to a child’s growth and development. If you have any concerns about lead exposure, talk to your pediatrician about getting your child a blood lead test.

If your tap water is unclean, boil the water before using it to make your baby’s formula. Be sure to bring the water to a rolling boil for one minute to kill any bacteria. Then let it cool for five minutes before pouring it into bottles or another container and adding the correct amount of powdered formula. (You want to always measure the water first, then add formula powder.) Measure the water for formula after boiling, not before, since some can evaporate and change the measurement.

Another reason you may want to boil your water, even if it’s clean, is if your baby is especially susceptible to infection. Babies under 3 months old, born prematurely, or with a weakened immune system are more susceptible to bacterial infection. For any baby that falls under one of those categories, it’s a good idea to boil the water you use for preparing powder formula and mix it while the water is still hot (at least 158 degrees Fahrenheit or 70 Celsius) to kill any germs.

Water filters

While you don’t have to use a water filter (such as a Brita filter or a filter on your refrigerator’s water dispenser) for the water used in baby formula, it’s fine to do so. Different water filters remove different types of potential contaminants, such as hard minerals, nitrates, and chemicals. Read your water filter’s label to know exactly what it’s designed to remove.

One thing to keep in mind is that some water filters might remove fluoride from the water. If that’s the case, your child may not be getting enough fluoride. If you think your baby might not be getting enough fluoride, talk to their doctor – they may suggest fluoride supplements once your baby is 6 months old.

Well water

If your water supply comes from a well, have the water tested to make sure it’s safe before using it for your baby’s formula. If your well water isn’t deemed safe to use for formula (or you aren’t sure about its safety), you can most likely boil it to use safely for your baby’s formula. It’s a good idea to check with your baby’s doctor about any specific concerns you have with the water you’re using.

Bottled water

Bottled water is fine to use in formula, but since it’s more expensive than tap water, experts don’t usually recommend it. One instance when you might want to use bottled water in addition to tap is to reduce how much fluoridated water your baby is getting.

Distilled water

Distilled water is water that was boiled to steam, then liquified back to water. This is done to make it extremely clean.

Distilled water for babies is safe to use with their formula on occasion, or alternating with tap water. While it’s nice to know that it’s clean, the downside is that distilled water has no electrolytes or minerals (including fluoride) that your baby may need. Talk to your baby’s pediatrician before using distilled water in their baby formula if that’s something you’re interested in.

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