Assuming that your baby has been checked out by a doctor and is healthy, lots of crying is usually perfectly normal, particularly during the first three months of life. In fact, babies crying on average for two hours per day for the first six weeks of life.
Why your baby cries all the time
There are a number of reasons babies cry, including because they:
- are tired
- are hungry
- are overstimulated
- have a dirty diaper
- are too hot or too cold
- need to be burped
- have colic
Sometimes babies cries for no apparent reason. This is normal, and it will pass.
If, however, your baby’s crying just doesn’t sound right, trust your instincts and call or see a healthcare provider – especially if your newborn has a temperature of 100.4 degrees F or higher, which could be a sign of an infection.
Some babies are allergic to dairy products in a breastfeeding mother’s diet or in formula. If you think this could be the case, talk to your baby’s doctor about adjusting your diet (if you’re breastfeeding) or switching formulas.
When do babies stop crying?
Babies cries most during the first three months of life, often for two to three hours (or more) per day. By about 12 weeks of age, most babies cry for about an hour per day – which, although it seems like a lot, is half as much as the first few weeks.
Why does my 2-month-old cry so much?
Research shows that crying follows a developmental pattern during the first few months of life. Crying increases at 2 or 3 weeks of age, peaks between 6 and 8 weeks, and then slows down after that, usually tapering off significantly around the time babies are 3 to 4 months old.
Babies also cry more often in the late afternoon and early evening, which might be when they need to release tension after a long day. (Some call this the baby “witching hour.”)
Crying may be even more common in these early months because newborns have immature digestive systems, and because they haven’t yet learned other ways to communicate with you.
Some babies have colic, broadly defined as uncontrollable crying in an otherwise healthy baby. If your baby cries for more than three hours in a row on three or more days a week for at least three weeks, chances are they’re colicky.
Colic isn’t a disease, and it won’t cause your baby any long-term harm, but it’s a really tough thing to go through for both babies and their parents. Fortunately, it’s temporary: Babies with colic usually cry significantly less between 3 to 6 months of age.
If your baby cries excessively or is irritable and you’re concerned they have colic, talk to their doctor to rule out any potential medical issue. Otherwise, a few coping techniques can help you through it.
How to cope when your baby won’t stop crying
If you’ve ruled out all of the common causes for crying, there are a few steps you can take when your baby won’t stop wailing:
- Try to stay calm, and take a break if you need to. Babies can sense frustration and anger, which may make them cry even more.
- Offer a pacifier.
- Gently rock your baby in your arms.
- Wear your baby in a carrier or sling.
- Give your baby a warm bath.
- Sing or play music to your baby.
- Cuddle or talk to your baby.
- Stroke your baby’s head or give a baby massage.
- Play white noise from an app or noise machine.
- Swaddle your baby.
Even the most even-keeled parents struggle to cope with constant crying. If you feel overwhelmed, put your baby down on their back in a safe space – such as their crib – and ask a friend or family member for help.
If no one else is around, go into another room to try and do something relaxing for five to 10 minutes, like practicing deep breathing or listening to music. Y
Whatever you do, don’t express your frustration by shaking your baby, which can cause brain damage, blindness and even death.
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