
The Top Fertility Treatments Used by Couples Who Need Help Conceiving

Fertility Treatments

Fertility Treatments. Researching fertility treatments? Start here. This overview of the most common fertility treatments available, including IUI and IVF, will help you understand your options and decide on next steps.


If you and your partner are among the 12 percent of couples who deal with infertility, you know that coping with problems conceiving can be hard. And though fertility treatments can go a long way towards helping you get pregnant, there’s a good chance that navigating all the options might just add to your stress level.

But having a quick overview of the choices can help. Use this guide to learn the basics of the most common fertility treatments. Once you get a feel for what might be right for you, you can discuss them with your doctor and do a deeper research dive to get more specifics.

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) Fertility Treatments

With intrauterine insemination (IUI), a thin catheter is used to place sperm directly in the uterus close to the fallopian tubes, upping the chances that sperm will meet egg. It involves placing sperm from your partner or a donor inside your reproductive tract during ovulation to help you get pregnant.

If you’re ovulating normally, AI can be done without any additional fertility drugs. If you’re having issues with ovulation, doing IUI with fertility drugs can boost your chances of getting pregnant.

Can be good for: These procedures may be right for couples dealing with lower sperm counts or poor sperm motility, same-sex couples or single women who want to become moms on their own. IUI is also a good first option for those with unknown fertility issues.

Success rates: Up to 40 percent of women under the age of 40 who undergo AI will get pregnant within six tries. For IUI, the success rate ranges from 5 to 15 percent per try.

Side effects or risks: There are no real risks to IUI, other than a rare chance of developing an infection, but the procedure won’t work for everyone. IUI is less likely to be effective for women over 40, as well as those with fallopian tube blockages, a history of pelvic infections or significant endometriosis.

It also likely won’t work for male infertility problems including very low sperm count or significant problems with sperm motility or morphology (the percentage of sperm that appear to be of normal shape and size).

In vitro fertilization (IVF)

During IVF, your eggs are fertilized by sperm in a laboratory or fertility clinic. Then one or more of the embryos (fertilized eggs) are transferred into your uterus with the hope that it’ll implant and result in a pregnancy.

Can be good for: Your doctor might recommend IVF if IUI hasn’t been successful for you. IVF can also be a good choice for those dealing with severe fallopian tube blockages, ovulation problems, diminished ovarian reserve, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis or severe sperm factor. Same-sex couples, couples using donor eggs or any couple that might need to use preimplantation genetic diagnosis or screening (PGD/PGS) to screen embryos for genetic disorders would use IVF, too.

Success rates: Success rates for IVF vary depending on a woman’s age, and can range from 12 to 70 percent.

Side effects or risks: You’ll need to take hormone shots before your eggs can be harvested for fertilization, which can cause unpleasant side effects. The procedure itself is invasive, and implanting more than one fertilized egg also makes you more likely to have twins or multiples, which ups the odds for possible complications. Plus, it can be expensive if not covered by insurance.

Donor eggs

The process involves fertilizing a donor egg with sperm and implanting it into your uterus, similar to IVF. The donor can be someone you know or someone you are matched with anonymously through an agency.

Using a donor egg means you won’t be related to your baby biologically — but you’re still listed as the birth mother on record.

To avoid any legal pitfalls, hire a lawyer early in the process to make sure you have a formal contract between you and your donor and/or the donor agency waiving all parental rights and outlining that any children born from the donated eggs are legally yours.

Can be good for: If traditional IVF cycles haven’t worked, donor eggs can be a next step. The procedure also might be right for women with a low egg count or poor egg quality, which is more likely after age 40. Donor eggs are also an option if you have a genetic disorder or serious condition that you want to avoid passing on to your child.

Success rates: Around 50 to 70 percent when fresh donor eggs are used and around 40 to 60 percent when frozen donor eggs are used.

Side effects or risks: Using donor eggs can be a lengthy and expensive process, and for some women, coming to terms with the fact that they won’t have a genetic link to their baby can be emotional. And as with traditional IVF, there’s a risk of multiples and related complications.

Gestational carrier (surrogacy)

A gestational carrier (GC), also called a gestational surrogate, carries a child for another woman or same-sex couple. In virtually all cases, the parents undergo IVF and the embryo is implanted in the surrogate’s uterus. Both parents have a genetic tie to the baby, but the surrogate doesn’t.

Can be good for: Using a GC can be a good option for couples who want a biological child but can’t carry a pregnancy. Same-sex couples or women who can’t sustain a pregnancy, don’t have a uterus or have a medical condition that would make pregnancy dangerous or impossible might also consider GC

Success rates: Rates are similar to rates of women using their own uterus and depend on the age of the woman whose eggs were used to create embryos.

Side effects or risks: Being a GC can be an intensely emotional process that can take 18 months or more. There are also major legal aspects to deal with: It’s in the best interest of parents and surrogates to have a contract spelling out details like parental rights and custody, as well as medical treatment during pregnancy and labor and delivery. And it’s important to note that surrogacy is currently illegal in some states, and some states do not recognize surrogacy contract agreements. Be sure to check your state laws.

Egg freezing

Egg freezing involves retrieving a woman’s eggs in a procedure similar to IVF, then freezing and storing them. When you’re ready to have a baby, the eggs are thawed, fertilized and implanted into your uterus.

Can be good for: Egg freezing might be worth considering if you know that you want children at some point but not for a while. It can also be a good option for women undergoing cancer treatment or those with a family history of early menopause, endometriosis or ovarian cysts. Women in their 20s and early 30s have the best chance of retrieving, freezing and storing healthy eggs.

Success rates: The data is limited, but the chances of one frozen egg resulting in a successful pregnancy are around 5 to nine percent per egg frozen for women under 38. The older you are when you freeze your eggs, the lower the odds of successful fertilization later.

Side effects or risks: Since the vast majority of women who’ve frozen their eggs haven’t used them yet, experts don’t know much about how long frozen eggs will last in storage. Also, as with traditional IVF, you have to take fertility drugs, which can have unpleasant side effects, and the procedure itself is invasive.

Fertility drugs

Fertility drugs are taken at the start of IVF, but you can also take them on their own for ovulation issues.

Oral meds like Clomid and letrozole are used to stimulate the ovaries and correct irregular ovulation. Both drugs work by suppressing estrogen production, which boosts the production of ovulation-stimulating hormones. If oral medications don’t work, there are hormone shots called gonadotropins that directly stimulate ovulation.

If your irregular ovulation is caused by polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the drug Metformin can also be an option. While it’s normally used to treat diabetes, Metformin works to sensitize insulin levels, which can help women with PCOS achieve more regular ovulation. 

Can be good for: If intrauterine insemination (IUI) hasn’t worked for you, it might be more successful with fertility drugs. You can also take fertility drugs while trying to conceive on your own without IUI or IVF. Fertility drugs can be a particularly good choice for women with ovulation issues related to PCOS. In fact, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends letrozole as a first-line treatment for PCOS-related infertility.

Success rates: Successful pregnancy rates with fertility medications depend on the drug. For hormone shots it’s 32 percent, for letrozole it’s 28 percent and for Clomid it’s 23 percent. Among women with PCOS, not all studies show that taking Metformin improves the chances for getting pregnant through IVF, but a recent analysis suggested it could increase the odds specifically for women with a body mass index greater than 26. 

Side effects or risks: You might experience side effects such as bloating, nausea, headaches, mood swings or breast tenderness. Hormone shots also come with a slight risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, where the ovaries become swollen and painful. Fertility drugs increase the odds for multiples, too, since they could cause two or more eggs to be released at a time. If you and your partner need help conceiving, there are a number of options. Together, think about the ones that seem like they might be a good fit, then talk with your doctor to figure out a plan you feel comfortable with.

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Fertility Myths vs Facts: The Truth About Getting Pregnant

Getting Pregnant

Getting Pregnant. Are these really misconceptions about conception? Here’s the scoop on the top myths and facts related to baby-making.


Do men’s briefs really interfere with a man’s sperm count? Can watching a sexy movie truly make it easier to conceive?

If you and your partner are trying to get pregnant, chances are someone — your mom, your best friend, the internet — has shared some out-there fertility theories meant to help.

But before you shrug these off as crazy fertility myths, gather all the info first. Some old wives’ tales may turn out to be valid after all. Get the real truth … and then get busy between the sheets!

Being on the pill for too long will delay pregnancy

This is a myth. If you’ve spent years of your life trying not to get pregnant, it’s only natural to wonder if it will take a while to get things back on track.

In good news, it won’t. For some women, fertility returns as soon as they stop using the pill, but for others, it may take a month or so to resume ovulation — as long as there are no other issues going on, of course.

Boxers are better than briefs when you’re trying to conceive

This is a myth. When your partner gets overheated — whether he’s in a hot tub, in a sauna, exercising in spandex bike shorts or wearing tighty-whities — his sperm production could go down. That said, though, in most cases, it’s not enough to make a big difference.

In fact, a study of nearly 500 male partners found that the impact underwear choice has on semen isn’t enough to affect fertility for most men. If you’re still concerned, it can’t hurt to ask your partner to switch to boxers.

Laptops can impair sperm production

This is a fact. The heat is on when you use a laptop on your lap, and heat is not a friend of male fertility. To keep the family jewels in top family-generating shape, treat a laptop like a desktop.

And believe it or not, the same may hold true for cellphones, so keep them out of his pocket too.

Watching a sexy movie can help you get pregnant

This is a fact. Studies have shown that watching a romantic movie together can increase levels of progesterone, a sex hormone thought to increase romantic behavior. And it doesn’t have to be X-rated either, so grab some popcorn — and then each other.

If you want to get pregnant, order up some oysters

This is a fact. Yum! Believe it or not, this cliché holds up under scientific scrutiny. Oysters are the food chain’s most concentrated source of zinc, which some research suggests may help increase sperm production. It’s also a libido booster — and you’ll both need libido to spare when you’re trying to conceive. The benefits extend to both sexes, so enjoy a dozen together tonight.

The more sex you have during your fertile days, the more likely you are to conceive

This is true. Yep, the more often you have sex during your peak fertile days, the more likely you are to conceive. In fact, couples who have regular sex, which means every day or every other day, enjoy the highest pregnancy rates.

But if committing to this many bedroom sessions isn’t possible, or doing it this much doesn’t sound like a ton of fun, have sex every two to three days a week starting soon after your period ends.

For men with a normal sperm count, however, having sex more than once a day means that subsequent sessions will offer up fewer sperm. So give yourselves a breather!

After an egg is released, it can be fertilized for up to two days

This is a myth. While sperm can hang out and wait for their date for three days or more, an egg has only a 12- to 24-hour shelf life. So sperm have to catch it while they can. Timing is just about everything when it comes to fertility, which is why knowing the signs of ovulation (and pinpointing when you’re ovulating) is so key to conception success.

Position matters

This is a myth, for the most part. Healthy sperm are excellent swimmers — and determined on their mission. Pretty much any position can get you pregnant, so you might as well pick a position you both like. If you want to add a little extra gravity into the equation, give sperm a head start by elevating your hips slightly and asking your partner to be on top.

Saliva is the most fertility-friendly lubricant to use when you’re trying to conceive

This is a myth. You’d think that all bodily fluids would just get along — but no, not so. Saliva is a sperm killer. In fact, the truth is that most lubricants and massage oils are fertility-unfriendly — so best to go without when you’re trying to make a baby, or choose a fertility-friendly lubricant like canola oil or one containing hydroxyethylcellulose.

You need to have an orgasm

This is a myth. While having an orgasm can never be a bad thing, a woman does not need the big O to conceive. But we won’t tell if this is one secret you decide to keep to yourself!

The average couple conceives within three months of trying

This is a myth. Conception doesn’t typically happen overnight — even after a really hot night. Egg and sperm may meet up on your first try, of course, but it can take the average couple who doesn’t have any fertility issues up to 12 months of active efforts before your conception mission is accomplished. 

Specialists define infertility as trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant for more than 12 months for women under 35 and for six months in women over 35 if there are no other obvious issues (like very irregular cycles, for example). Use that as a guide for when to see the doctor.

The longer it takes you to get pregnant, the more likely you are to conceive a boy

This is a fact. Women who take longer to conceive may be more likely to have thicker cervical mucus, which puts Y-chromosome sperm at an advantage.

Why? Researchers don’t know for sure yet, but they do have their theories. The most popular one: The sperm that makes boys contains less DNA, which lightens it up and enables it to more quickly swim in viscous liquids.

You’re more likely to experience fertility challenges if you’re a first-timer

This is a myth. Secondary infertility — when a couple has trouble conceiving after they’ve already had one or more babies — is about as common as primary infertility, when first-timers have trouble. In fact, 60 percent of all cases of infertility are experienced by couples who have already filled their nest at least once.

Men don’t have a biological clock

This is a myth. It’s a clock with a much longer-lasting battery, but it’s still ticking away. While guys can produce viable sperm — and father babies — well into their AARP years, older men are more likely to have fertility issues due to dipping testosterone levels, the decrease in quantity and quality of sperm, sperm’s diminished strength and motility, and other factors.

Hopeful moms need to switch to sparkling water, but dads can keep their cocktails

This is a fact and a myth. Too much alcohol can definitely mess with a woman’s cycle, so it’s best to start cutting back on alcohol or cutting it out once you’re actively trying — especially because you won’t know immediately when baby’s on board. But dads don’t get a free drink pass. Too much alcohol can not only bring down the curtain on performance, but it can also lower testosterone, impairing sperm production.

You can wait until you’re pregnant before you start cutting back on those lattes

This is a myth. Too much caffeine isn’t just a pregnancy no-no. It can be a fertility buster too. Heavy caffeine consumption is linked to fertility issues, as well as to early miscarriage.

So decaffeinate your diet and stick to no more than 200 mg a day — the equivalent of 12 ounces of brewed coffee or 2 shots of espresso — while you’re trying to conceive. Good news: You won’t have to cut back more once you’re expecting. The pregnant set is allowed the same amount daily.

It’s best to take a home pregnancy test first thing in the morning

This is a fact. The longer you’ve gone between pees, the more concentrated your urine, which means the more likely it is that early levels of pregnancy hormone will show up in it and you’ll get the positive pregnancy test you’re hoping for.

Fertility declines after 35 — and the later teens are the most fertile ages of all

This is a fact. Actually two facts. Getting pregnant does start to get a bit harder by around age 30, and the chance of getting pregnant drops for women in their mid-30s and beyond.

When it comes to a woman’s peak conception years, that window is open from her late teens through the 20s.

You can’t get pregnant when you have your period

This is a myth. As crazy as it sounds, you might actually conceive when you have your period. Because of the way a woman’s cycle fluctuates, the day ovulation starts can change from month to month, which means you can’t count on all the sperm from period sex being dead and gone by the time you ovulate next.

Stress doesn’t affect your ability to get pregnant

This is a myth. While the connection between stress and conception is still being explored, there’s some evidence that highly stressed women may have more trouble getting pregnant. And while it’s unclear how stress impacts fertility, experts do agree that reducing stress levels can help overall when you’re faced with the challenge of baby-making.

To reduce your anxiety, consider a few yoga poses, some deep breathing, venting to friends or eliminating the biggest stressors in your life. The result just might be a more chill (and pregnant) you.

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When Is the Best Time to Have Sex to Get Pregnant?

Sex to Get Pregnant

Sex to Get Pregnant. Trying to have a baby? Tuning into your body’s subtle signals to know when you’re ovulating can boost your chances of conceiving.


When you’re trying to get pregnant, a lot comes down to timing. After all, nature gives us a brief window each month to conceive. While it’s possible to get pregnant any day of the month (due to fluctuations in your cycle), you’re much more likely to score a fertilized egg (and get the good news that you’re expecting) if you work with your body’s regular reproductive rhythm.

Wondering when is the best time to get pregnant? Here are the ways to know exactly when to spring into (bedroom) action for the greatest chances of conception success.

When is the best time in your cycle to get pregnant?

Okay, here’s a quick biology refresher on how you really get pregnant: When you ovulate, your ovary releases a ripe egg into the fallopian tube that’s ready to be fertilized by a sperm. That egg has only 12 to 24 hours to meet that sperm.

Luckily, sperm stick around in the fallopian tubes for longer (up to several days). That means that while it’s ideal to have sex on the day you ovulate, you may also get pregnant if you do the deed a few days before ovulation. Viable sperm should still be in your fallopian tubes when that egg arrives.

So how do you pinpoint when you’ll be ovulating? First, determine the length of your average monthly cycle. To do this, count the days between your periods, starting at the first day of your period. While 28 days is average, there’s a wide range of normal.[1] Yours may be 21 days, 35 days or somewhere in between — and that’s completely fine, fertility-wise.

Now, time for some math. The first half of the cycle (the follicular phase) varies from woman to woman. But the second half (the luteal phase) is usually the same for all of us: 14 days, though it can be 12 days. That means if you get your period 28 days after the last one began, for example, then you’ll likely ovulate on day 14 or 16.

The more regular your periods are, the more helpful this method will be. But what if you have irregular periods? You’ll want to be more alert to additional signs of ovulation, which are described below.

Signs that it’s a good time to get pregnant

Your body provides a number of clues that it’s time to jump into action. Here’s how to find them: 

Check your cervical mucus

When was the last time you checked your underwear? Or, ahem, felt your down-there discharge? It may sound odd, but your cervical mucus (CM) can provide a tip-off to when sex will be most fruitful. You’re looking for discharge that feels like egg whites, which indicates your body’s in ovulation mode.

Once you start monitoring your CM all month, you’ll see a pattern: You’ll likely be dry for several days to a week after your period. Next, your CM may get sticky for a day or two. Then, on around day eight, it will amp up and turn creamy; it could be white or pale yellow.

The next stage is the biggie: ovulation mucus. Your discharge will not only be plentiful but slippery and stretchy (so much so that if you pull it between two fingers, it will stretch up to a few inches!). This egg white stage is a clue that you’re ovulating — and you and your partner may want to skip dinner and a movie and get busy being intimate.

Incidentally, that CM texture is nature’s way of ensuring sperm make their way to the egg. Finally, after ovulation day, you may become drier down there.

Get to know your cervix

You can check your own cervix for signs of fertility (no stirrups or speculum necessary). The cervix changes over the course of a monthly cycle, going from firm, closed and low in the vagina to higher up, soft and open (thanks to estrogen) around ovulation.

These changes make it more welcoming to swimming sperm. And you can actually feel the difference — if you’re willing to get hands-on. Here’s how: Sitting on the toilet or squatting, insert a clean finger with a short fingernail into your vagina. Record what you feel over the month. You can keep track on paper or by using a fertility app on your smartphone.

Get to know your vagina, as well

Throughout the month, also pay attention to your vaginal lips. You may notice they’re more swollen or full when you’re ovulating.

Take note of crampy aches

Another clue that you’re at your most fertile point is mid-cycle abdominal pain. Called mittelschmerz (it means “middle pain” in German), this cramping may be mild or painful. It often happens on one side, by the ovary that’s releasing an egg, but it also can be an allover ache. Don’t worry if you never feel a thing, though — only about one in five women have mittelschmerz.

Take your temperature

Changes in your body temperature can be another heads-up that you’re ready to roll. As your hormones fluctuate over the month, your basal body temperature (BBT) — the reading you get right when you wake up after at least three to five hours of sleep — changes too. In the first part of your cycle up until the day you ovulate, estrogen is high and your morning baseline temperature is lower. A day or two after you ovulate, though, your temperature ticks up by a half-degree. This happens as progesterone rises to prepare your uterus for conception.

By this point, you’re actually a little late to make a baby. But by knowing when your reading rises, you can time your sex going forward. To monitor your BBT, you’ll need either a digital thermometer or a wearable BBT temperature reader. Take a reading first thing each morning (before you do anything, including sit up or talk), keeping track on paper or using a fertility app on your smartphone. What you’re aiming for is the overall pattern over at least two months.

You may see that your BBT goes up on day 16 so you’re likely releasing an egg on day 14 or 15, which means you’ll want to plan your bedroom action for several days before then.

Get an ovulation predictor kit

If you’re looking for a higher-tech method for knowing when you should have sex to get pregnant, pick up an ovulation tester online or at a drugstore. There are a few types to consider. Ovulation predictor kits test your level of luteinizing hormone (LH) to suss out your ovulation day. All you do is pee on a stick and wait for it to reveal if your level of luteinizing hormone (LH) is high, suggesting ovulation. You’ll see a line that is the same or darker than the control line.

A next-level option is a fertility monitor. This device lets you check LH and estrogen levels in your urine. You turn on the monitor when you get your period and it alerts you when it’s time to start using the urine strips. Then you pee on a strip and insert it into the monitor to find out whether you’re having a low, high or peak fertility day.

There are also saliva tests that check electrolytes in your spit to predict when your estrogen is high. First thing in the morning, you put saliva on a lens. Then, five minutes later, you play scientist and look at it under an eyepiece. Most of the month you’ll just see random dots, but a day to three days before you ovulate, you should notice a pattern like a fern or frost on a window. The downside to saliva tests: Some women have trouble distinguishing the patterns.

Finally, there are wearables. A fertility watch works by analyzing the salts in your sweat. About four to six days before ovulation, it picks up a chloride ion surge — your sign to get busy. A fertility tracker bracelet works with your smartphone to chart key measures like skin temperature, breathing and resting pulse. It tips you off as soon as you’re in your fertile zone — and whether it’s time to try to conceive.

What to do if you’re struggling to determine the best days to conceive

You’ve been checking for CM and charting your BBT, but for some reason, it seems that you’re not ovulating every month — or not at all. If you think you’re not ovulating, check in with your OB/GYN. 

Up to 15 percent of women can get their period, but not release an egg. And without that egg, you can’t get pregnant. There are many common reasons why a healthy woman may not ovulate in a particular month, including illness, extreme stress, or weight gain or loss. If you think you’re not ovulating, check with your gynecologist. Your doctor can recommend options for inducing ovulation — and getting you closer to hearing the good news that you’re going to have a baby.

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10 Tips for Getting Pregnant Faster

Pregnant Faster

Pregnant Faster. Whether you’re just starting to think about trying to conceive or you’ve been working on making a baby for a while, these tips just might help you get pregnant faster.


If you’ve got a bad case of baby fever, chances are you’ll try just about anything that could help you fast-track conception. But before you start chanting baby-making mantras or standing on your head, there are plenty of other things you and your partner can try to get pregnant faster — and some of them are surprisingly simple.

Just remember, no single strategy can guarantee success, but these ten tips can go a long way toward putting a bun in the oven.

Say bye-bye to birth control sooner rather than later.

If you use the pill, patch or shot — or another form of hormonal contraceptives — the sooner you stop, the faster your cycle can return to its natural groove.

Hormonal contraceptives usually contain a combo of estrogen and progesterone, which keeps you from getting pregnant by suppressing ovulation or preventing implantation. That’s why it can take a few months after going off birth control for your hormones to get up to speed again and for your period to come regularly.

Talk to your practitioner about the best time to get off your birth control. Generally, three months is the preferred time for women using the pill or patch, but it can take up to nine months (or longer) for your reproductive system to bounce back if you use the Depo-Provera injection.

Check in for a checkup.

It’s a good idea to book an appointment with your practitioner (or midwife) to get some help with your make-a-baby to-do list, like ditching meds that aren’t baby-friendly and making sure your body (and your partner’s) is in its best baby-making shape.

A head-to-toe exam can screen for chronic conditions that might interfere with conception, such as thyroid disorders or ovarian cysts, and identify any fertility issues. Once you get the word that all systems are a go, you can get down to business — getting pregnant.

Work out wisely.

Not only does exercise help shed excess weight (which can be a fertility buster), it also lowers blood pressure, reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol and increases blood flow to reproductive organs — all necessary for conception.

But don’t overdo it. Other research shows that super-vigorous workouts can derail your pregnancy plans, especially if your weight is already where it should be.Why the discrepancy? Fast-paced aerobics like running or cycling can mess with your menstrual cycles — and even temporarily stop ovulation.

To find a balance between working out too hard and not hard enough, talk to your doctor. In the meantime, you can always try low-impact exercise like walking.

Choose the best fats — and help your partner do the same.

What you eat matters if you want to get pregnant faster. After all, healthy foods not only fuel fertility but also build a healthier baby. But did you know that when it comes to getting pregnant faster, reaching for the right stuff may also help your partner too?

Healthy fats like omega-3s can boost sperm count and motility, while saturated fats (the kind found in chips and fast foods) can sabotage sperm size and shape, making them less hardy. So dig into some salmon, sardines, leafy greens and walnuts to keep those swimmers in tip-top shape.

Don’t forget these other sperm-boosting foods.

These other fertility foods may also belong on the menu when you’re trying to conceive:

  • Oysters. We’re not sure if oysters are an aphrodisiac, but we do know that their zinc content pumps up the production of sperm and testosterone. If your partner’s not a fan, he can get his share of zinc from lean beef, poultry, dairy, nuts or eggs, though oysters have the highest concentration of this nutrient.
  • Fruits and veggies. Produce is rich in the vitamins that can help protect sperm from cellular damage. He can get folate from leafy greens — men who don’t get enough of this B vitamin tend to have sperm with abnormal chromosomes. Citrus fruits, tomatoes and berries provide vitamin C, which can boost sperm quality. Carrots, red peppers and apricots have lots of vitamin A, which keeps sperm from getting sluggish. Sweet potatoes are rich in all three — folate, A and C!
  • Pomegranate juice may up sperm count and quality, per some animal studies. While it remains to be seen if it has the same effects on humans, you can always try swapping out the usual morning glass of OJ.

Take a prenatal vitamin.

A prenatal vitamin is good insurance for you and your future baby. Studies show downing a daily supplement can lower your risk of giving birth prematurely and help with your baby’s development.

But that’s not all a prenatal can do. Research has found that women who take prenatal multivitamins also tend to get pregnant faster, so popping a prenatal once a day is always a smart move when you’re TTC (or a mama-to-be).

Boost your dairy and iron intake.

Besides eating right and taking prenatal vitamins, try to fit in one serving of full-fat dairy a day as part of your plan to get more calcium. Research shows that one serving of whole milk or cheese can lower your chances of ovulatory infertility (the inability to produce healthy eggs).

Also aim for two servings a day of iron-rich foods like leafy greens, beans and lean meats since anemic women can have irregular cycles.

Cut down your caffeine intake … and cut out other vices.

There’s a whole host of studies showing that too much caffeine and alcohol can derail your campaign to conceive. So if you really want to get pregnant soon, limit your caffeine intake to about 200 milligrams per day — which is the equivalent of about two cups of coffee. (If you’re undergoing fertility treatments, your doc may lower that limit even more.)

But cut out alcohol altogether — it can do a number on both female and male fertility. And though it probably goes without saying, nix nicotine now if you haven’t already. It can cause major cell damage to your eggs and increase the chances of miscarriage once you do get pregnant.

Try not to worry too much.

Studies show that extreme stress can lower your chances of getting pregnant by causing hormone levels to go haywire and decreasing cervical mucus. We’re talking about high anxiety here — not run-of-the-mill frustrations like a demanding boss or tantrum-ing toddler.

But even if you’re not at freak-out levels, it can’t hurt to keep your nerves in check by avoiding work overloads, hitting a yoga or Zumba class, listening to music or venting to your partner or a sympathetic pal. Another plus to finding time for R&R now: Once you do make and deliver a baby, “me” time will be a whole lot harder to nab.

Stock up on sleep.

If you’re trying to get pregnant faster, make sure you’re logging a solid seven to eight hours of Zzzs each night. An irregular sleep schedule may lead to irregular periods, some research has found, which can throw off your plans. Another upside to hitting the hay more consistently: You’ll also combat stress and get a more accurate basal body temperature reading, a stat that can help you determine when you’re ovulating.

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10 Ways to Increase Sperm Count Naturally


Sperm. There are easy diet and lifestyle changes men can potentially make to boost sperm count and increase fertility — naturally. Here’s what experts suggest couples trying to conceive do.


Even though Dad’s not going to be the one carrying the baby, his health, specifically that of his sperm, plays a huge role in whether or not you’ll get pregnant.

If he has a low sperm count, it reduces the chances that one of his swimmers will fertilize your egg. A low sperm count means the amount of sperm in his semen is lower than normal. A normal sperm count is anything from 15 million to more than 200 million sperm per milliliter of semen. If a man has anything less than 15 million, it’s considered low sperm count.

What causes low sperm count?

Sometimes, the cause of low sperm count is unknown. But some possible causes include:

  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Trauma to the testicles (e.g. sporting injuries)
  • Undescended testicles (even those that were repaired early)
  • A varicocele (an enlargement of the veins within the scrotum, not unlike varicose veins that can appear in legs)
  • Orchitis (inflammation of one or both testicles most often due to infection)
  • Some sexually transmitted infections
  • Taking certain medications
  • Certain prior surgeries
  • Environmental causes, like exposure to toxic chemicals or radiation
  • Lifestyle factors, including smoking, drinking alcohol, drug use (including marijuana) and obesity

It’s important to remember that sperm count isn’t the only factor in predicting fertility from sperm. The other important components of a semen analysis include motility (or the percent of sperm that are moving and how they’re moving) as well as morphology (an analysis of sperm shape). Abnormalities in more than one component increase the impact of fertility.

Signs and symptoms of low sperm count

Other than infertility, there may not be any other signs of low sperm count in a man. But some men may experience the following symptoms of low sperm count:

  • A decrease in facial or body hair (which can be signs of a hormonal or chromosomal imbalance or abnormality)
  • Pain, swelling or a lump in or around the testicles

Just remember these symptoms aren’t the same as a diagnosis by a doctor, but they can be suggestive of a problem. Talk to your OB/GYN or a fertility specialist to be sure.

How to increase sperm count naturally

The good news is that a low sperm count doesn’t automatically mean infertility in men. Plus, there are things he can do to increase his sperm count and up the chances of the two of you accomplishing your baby-making goal. Follow these tips for increasing sperm count naturally:

1. Eat healthy, nutrient-packed foods

Mom’s nutritional needs aren’t the only ones that are going to be challenged in the baby-making process — men need fertility-boosting foods too. Research shows that dads-to-be need lots of vitamins C and E, zinc and folic acid, found mainly in natural foods like veggies, fruits, whole grains and lean protein.

Antioxidant-rich foods, like walnuts (and, again, fruits and veggies), have also been shown to boost sperm quality. What’s more, deficiencies of vitamins C, D, E, zinc, selenium, ፎሊክ አሲድ and healthy fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, may interfere with sperm production and quality.

On the other side of the coin, some foods are bad for sperm. Diets high in saturated fats (think: fried foods, fatty or processed meats, and baked goods) can reduce semen quality. And some research suggests that a high intake of soy foods is associated with lower sperm concentration.

So for the best swimmers, make sure your guy has a nutritious, well-rounded diet and takes a daily multivitamin. And hey, if the old adage is true that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, a little healthy home cooking may help get things cooking in the bedroom!

2. Reduce stress

Stress can interfere with the production of sperm (not to mention make sex a lot less fun — or nonexistent), so help your guy relax.

Make sure he gets enough sleep and regular exercise (but no ultra-marathons — excessive exercise has been shown to decrease testosterone levels and sperm quality). And have him try some relaxation exercises like meditation or deep breathing — or give him a massage.

3. Turn off the heat

While you’re trying to conceive, it’s important for your partner to keep his nether regions cool. Saunas, steam rooms, long, hot baths, and hot tubs can raise your man’s body temperature temporarily — lowering the number and quality of his sperm.

So keep your guy out of the heat (and keep that electric blanket off-limits for now too).

4. Quit smoking and drinking

Cigarettes and recreational drugs are linked to lower sperm count. Heavy alcohol consumption can lower a man’s numbers too. The combination of these habits is particularly harmful to male fertility.

What’s more, studies show that men who smoke have lower sex drives and less frequent sex. Plus, smoking, recreational drugs and alcohol can also possibly affect his performance in the bedroom.

The best bet is to cut way down on all of these, or even better, cut them out. (Once you become pregnant, secondhand smoke will put your pregnancy and baby at risk.)

5. Have sex regularly

Abstinence may make the heart grow fonder (and the libido grow stronger) — but it doesn’t do anything to increase your odds of scoring at conception roulette.

So if your man has been cutting back on sex — and stepping up on cold showers — in order to store up a sizable supply of sperm for when you’ll need it most (ovulation time), you’d be wise to rethink this strategy.

Male fertility research suggests if your guy has a normal sperm count, you’ll have the best chance of conceiving if you have sex every one to two days. If your guy has a low sperm count, you’re better off having sex every two days instead of doing the deed only every two weeks.

Indeed, prolonged abstinence has little positive effect on conception and can actually decrease a couple’s chances of hitting baby bingo — even for men with low sperm counts.

How so? While holding back does increase the number of sperm (a good thing in that more boys are available to start the trip), abstinence longer than one day decreases sperm mobility and appearance (a bad thing because there are fewer boys strong enough to make it to the finish line).

On the flip side, overdoing the deed (say, more than once a day) won’t boost your chances in the baby-making lottery. That’s because ejaculating more than once a day won’t give him time to regenerate his sperm — and you’ll want a good supply every time you get down to business!

6. Watch his weight

It may take longer for women who are overweight or obese to get pregnant than women who are at a normal BMI — and research shows that men who are overweight are more likely to have fertility problems too.

One study suggested that a 20-pound increase in a man’s weight may increase the chance of infertility by about 10 percent. Men who tip the scales too far on the opposite end may also have a problem. Having a very low BMI (less than 20) may reduce sperm quality and concentration. So work together to reach a healthy, stable weight to ensure optimum baby-making potential.

7. Steer clear of the wrong chemicals

Dads-to-be should try to avoid or reduce exposure to hazardous chemicals, like lead, pesticides and other toxins, found in some industrial workplaces, which can hamper a healthy conception.

If he has to work around hazardous chemicals, there are some things he can do to reduce his exposure to dangerous substances. He should always wear gloves, protective clothing and a respirator when working around toxic chemicals. He should avoid skin contact with the chemicals. He also needs to make sure he washes his hands before eating or drinking.

To decrease the chances of him bringing toxic substances home, he should change out of his work clothes and shoes and wash with soap and water (at least his hands) before he goes home. Then have him shower as soon as he gets home. He should also wash his work clothes separately from other laundry.

8. Get a preconception checkup

Just like the future mom-to-be, would-be-dads should check in with the doc.

At the preconception visit, the doctor can ensure that any and all chronic conditions are under control. The two will also discuss any medications he’s taking and whether or not they may affect fertility, his family history, whether genetic testing is recommended, and any lifestyle choices that may affect conception or the pregnancy.

And so that he doesn’t spread any illnesses like the flu or chicken pox to the mom during pregnancy (or the baby after birth), the doctor will also catch him up on any needed immunizations.

9. Keep laptops on your desk

Research has found that men who use a laptop on their laps have lower sperm counts, potentially because the heat from your computer can raise the temperature of the testes, lowering sperm count.

So when your man is busy on his laptop, offer him a lap tray, or better yet, a desk!

10. Take a break from biking

Avid cyclists who spend more than several hours a week in the saddle might want to cut back on rides, at least until the baby-making is accomplished. At minimum, he should not bike not sitting in the saddle every 15 minutes or so. Again, those testes can be testy about performing when they’re under stress. If you or your guy are concerned that he might have a low sperm count, discuss it with your doctor. And try not to freak out about it too much. Remember: A low sperm count doesn’t mean infertility. With a few lifestyle changes, he may be able to boost his numbers — and your chance of conceiving.

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The Best Foods to Improve Male Fertility

Male Fertility

Male Fertility. You’re not the only one who needs to eat right in order to conceive. Your man’s diet can affect his fertility, too. Help him learn which fertility foods he needs — and which baby-busting foods he should nix.


We’ve all heard the phrase “You are what you eat.” Turns out, that’s also true for men when it comes to fertility.

Eating healthier foods can help increase sperm count, while chowing down on the not-so-healthy stuff may lower his numbers.

If you and your partner are trying to conceive, a change in his eating habits may bring you closer to your goal of getting pregnant.

Foods to increase sperm count

Both you and your partner probably already know the many advantages of a healthy diet. But eating certain foods can be beneficial for his sperm count and quality. Healthier sperm means you’re less likely to have trouble getting pregnant.

Here are some fertility foods he should add to his plate (or eat more often):


There’s a reason oysters are known as aphrodisiacs. They contain more zinc per serving than any other food, and foods high in zinc may help with male fertility by increasing semen volume and sperm motility.

If your guy just doesn’t like oysters, he can also find zinc in beef, poultry, dairy, nuts, eggs, whole grains and beans. Or he can get zinc by taking a daily multivitamin to help ensure he and his little swimmers are as healthy as can be.

Fruits and vegetables

The antioxidants found in fruits and veggies (like cranberries and collard greens) may help protect sperm from cellular damage and keep them strong and speedy — just what they need to race through the fallopian tubes and fertilize an egg. Meanwhile, vitamins E and C may slightly increase sperm count and movement.

Find vitamin E in mangoes, avocados and green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli. Get vitamin C in oranges, tomatoes and grapefruit, among other foods. Leafy greens, beans and many fruits are high in folate — a B vitamin with antioxidant properties that may help keep sperm free of chromosomal abnormalities.

If you’re looking for one power veggie to make a staple in your sweetie’s diet, serve up a sweet potato: It’s packed with all of the nutrients above — vitamins C, E and folate.


Some research funded by the nut industry has shown that nuts may help improve the quality and function of sperm. Walnuts, in particular, may help boost sperm quality. That’s because walnuts are packed with antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids.

Other antioxidant-rich nuts include almonds, pecans, pine nuts and hazelnuts. Peanuts also pack an antioxidant punch. To keep nut snacking as healthy as possible, your guy should watch his portions. Stick to a 1-ounce serving (about a small handful) and avoid chocolate-covered nuts and those that have added sugar.


Pumpkin seeds contain a hefty dose of zinc and omega-3 fatty acids, both of which may help improve sperm quality.

Looking for other ways to stock up on omega-3s? Try flaxseed, chia seeds or sunflower seeds, which contain vitamin E and other antioxidants that may help improve sperm quantity and movement.

Pomegranate juice

Another powerful player in antioxidant circles is the pomegranate. Pomegranate juice has been shown to boost sperm quality, some animal studies have found, though it has yet to be proven to have the same effect in people.

In the meantime, a little pomegranate juice can’t hurt. Have him swap it for his morning OJ or add it to a smoothie.

Fatty fish

Fertile men’s sperm contains more omega-3 fatty acids than the sperm of infertile men. Your guy can get omega-3s by eating fatty fish like salmon, herring, sardines and anchovies.

Bonus: Omega-3 fatty acids also improve blood flow to the genitals, which may help your guy out in the bedroom.

Maca root

The powder from this Peruvian root has a long-standing reputation as a natural libido booster. That hasn’t been definitively proven, but some research has shown that maca powder increases sperm concentration and motility.

If your partner wants to try this nutty-tasting powder, he can sprinkle some in oatmeal and smoothies, or add a bit when making pancakes, waffles and other goodies.

Foods to avoid for male fertility

Just as there are foods that your guy may want to eat more of to improve fertility, there are others he can cut back on or remove from the menu entirely.

These foods may decrease sperm count and negatively impact male fertility:

Junk food

Sure, your partner knows this stuff isn’t good for the heart or the waistline, but fatty, fried and sugary foods can impair male fertility too.

Sweetened snacks and beverages like soda can hurt sperm quality, research suggests. One more reason to trade the donuts for fruit and oatmeal.

High-mercury fish

Mercury has been linked with infertility in both women and men. Swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish, marlin, bigeye tuna, orange roughy and shark have the highest mercury content, so swap them for omega-3-rich salmon or zinc-rich shellfish.

Caffeinated drinks and alcohol

Research shows that drinking too much coffee, tea, energy drinks and alcohol may decrease sperm count.

So have your partner limit his caffeine intake to the equivalent of two cups of joe a day and ask that he keep his alcohol consumption in check.


It’s unclear whether a diet rich in soy can actually lead to problems getting pregnant, but some research has linked diets high in soy foods with a lower sperm concentration.

So in addition to soy sauce, he may want to skip tofu, soy milk, tempeh and other soy-based foods for now.

High-fat dairy

Yes, milk does a body good. But in the case of sperm, men may want to forego the high-fat stuff. Full-fat dairy foods can negatively impact sperm count and motility.

It’s better for your guy to reach for low-fat milk, skim milk or milk alternatives like almond milk or coconut milk. The same goes for other dairy products like cheese and yogurt: Pick the low-fat versions, which have been found to benefit sperm quality.

Processed meat

Diets high in processed red meats are associated with lower sperm count and quality, so your partner should cut down on the bacon, hot dogs, sausage, deli meat and similar fare. Tell him to opt for healthier alternatives like chicken breast, lean beef, bison and lean pork instead.Just as it’s important for hopeful moms-to-be to stay mindful of their diets, the same is true for would-be dads. It can’t hurt to have your partner add in more fertility-friendly foods and scale back on some less healthy choices. It will help increase your odds of conceiving that baby you’ve both been dreaming of.

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How Iron Boosts Fertility


If you’re trying to conceive, here’s what you should know about getting enough iron in your diet, plus whether or not you might benefit from a supplement.


“I’ve heard there’s a link between iron and fertility. Should I take iron supplements when trying to get pregnant or just make sure to get iron in my diet?”

You’re smart to be thinking about pumping up your iron levels while trying to conceive. As you’ve heard, there does seem to be a link between iron and fertility. In one study, researchers found that women who took iron supplements had a significantly lower risk of ovulatory infertility (an inability to produce healthy baby-making eggs) than those who didn’t supplement.

Here’s what you need to know about iron and fertility if you’re trying to get pregnant.

Do you need an iron supplement if you’re trying to conceive?

Before you rush out to buy iron supplements, keep the following in mind:

  • Not all women need supplements (but they do need iron). Experts say more research is needed before they’d recommend iron supplements to all women as a fertility booster. But even if iron isn’t recommended as a fertility booster for you specifically, you’ll still want to beef up your iron stores the natural way before you get pregnant. Iron is one of the minerals that your future baby-to-be will siphon from you — and too little iron at the start of pregnancy can put you at risk for anemia during pregnancy and afterward (when you need all the energy you can get to take care of your baby).
  • Talk to your doctor. Your best bet when it comes to thinking about iron, fertility and pregnancy? Discuss your nutrition with your practitioner and ask to get a blood test that will check your iron levels. If your test results indicate that you could use iron supplements, you and your doctor can work together to determine an appropriate dose for you. If your iron levels are healthy, then you may not need a separate iron supplement, but you’ll still want to make sure you take a prenatal vitamin every day (most of which include about 27 mg of iron).
  • Eat iron-rich foods. Every day, pregnant women need to aim for about 27 mg of iron. The most easily absorbed iron — called heme iron — is found in animal sources, such as meat, poultry and fish. The other form of iron — called non-heme iron — comes from plant sources. However because of its chemical structure, it’s more difficult for the intestines to absorb. But don’t disregard non-heme iron — it’s still worth your while. In fact, heme iron helps improve the absorption of non-heme iron, so eating food sources of both forms of iron at the same time is ideal.

Best iron-rich foods for fertility

The easiest way to get as much bang for your nutrition buck when eating iron-rich foods? Pair them with vitamin-C-rich foods — which boosts iron absorption. So go ahead and top that burger with a tomato slice or two, sprinkle strawberries in your oatmeal, and follow that PB&J sandwich with an OJ chaser.

Need some more ideas? Here are some foods rich in iron and vitamin C:

Foods rich in heme iron:

  • Liver paté, 1/4 cup (5 mg)
  • Lean beef, 3 oz braised (2 mg)
  • Lean pork, 3 oz ground and cooked (1 mg)
  • Chicken, 3 oz cooked (1 mg)
  • Salmon, 4 oz filet (1 mg)
  • Tuna, canned light in water, 3 oz (1 mg)
  • Egg, 1 hard-boiled (1 mg)
  • Shrimp, 3 oz cooked (0.4 mg)

Foods rich in non-heme iron:

  • White beans, 1 cup (8 mg)
  • Lentils, 1 cup (6 mg)
  • Kidney beans, 1 cup (4 mg)
  • Chickpeas, 1 cup (4 mg)
  • Tofu, 1/2 cup (3 mg)
  • Spinach, 1/2 cup boiled (3 mg)
  • Oatmeal, 1 cup (about 2 mg)
  • Broccoli, 1/2 cup boiled (1 mg)
  • Enriched whole wheat bread, 1 slice (1 mg)
  • Enriched white rice, 1/2 cup (1 mg)
  • Prunes, 7 pitted (1 mg)
  • Raisins, 1/4 cup packed (1 mg)
  • Figs, 5 medium (about 1 mg)
  • Peanut butter, 2 tbsp (0.6 mg)

Foods rich in vitamin C:

  • Red sweet peppers, 1 cup chopped (190 mg)
  • Kiwis, two whole (138 mg)
  • Strawberries, 1 cup halves (89 mg)
  • Broccoli, 1 cup chopped (81 mg)
  • Orange, medium (61 mg)
  • Orange juice, 8 oz (60 mg)
  • Mangoes, 1 cup pieces (60 mg)
  • Tomatoes, 1 cup chopped (24 mg)

When it comes to iron and fertility, fueling up with iron-rich foods may not be a sure ticket to conception, but it will help keep you healthy as you try to conceive. After all, the healthier you are, the better your chances of conceiving and having a healthy pregnancy and baby.Here’s to happy eating and conceiving!

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Exercise When You’re Trying to Get Pregnant


Working out on your path to pregnancy does wonders for you and your future baby. Here’s how exercise can help boost your chances of conceiving safely, plus the best pre-pregnancy workouts to try.


If you’re wondering if it’s safe to exercise when you’re trying to get pregnant, here’s some good news: Starting a workout routine and being active is a big move in the right direction when you’re trying to conceive. Exercise, after all, plays a huge role in overall health and wellness and can help prepare your body for conception and pregnancy.

Here’s what you need to know about getting and staying fit when you’re TTC.

What are the benefits of exercise when you’re trying to get pregnant?

These days, experts urge women who are expecting or planning to get pregnant to get more physically active. Why? Regular workouts get your body in top baby-making shape by toning muscles including your heart, which has to pump up to 50 percent more blood to supply you and your growing baby.

Exercise reduces stress, which has been shown by numerous studies to block the best conception efforts, and it helps you to sleep better. And working out on the regular can help you to maintain a healthy weight, which is important since pregnancy is not the time to try and lose pounds — and being overweight or obese during pregnancy can increase the risk of complications like gestational diabetes and preeclampsia.

It’s a good idea to get a fitness routine in place before you get pregnant, so you’ll have an easier time mustering the get-up-and-go when working up the energy is tougher. But even when motivation is tough to come by, those pregnancy workouts are well worth the effort. 

Once you do get pregnant, exercise offers loads of benefits, reducing the risk of pregnancy complications and the severity of common pregnancy symptoms like back aches and bloating, all while likely boosting your baby’s brain development and heart health. Big bonus: Being in shape will even help make delivery day go more smoothly.

The good news is, it’s never too late to start exercising. With the okay from their doctors, even couch-surfers can ease into a new workout routine before and even during pregnancy given the right guidance.

How much exercise should you aim for when trying to conceive?

Experts across the board say women who are trying to get pregnant or who already have a bun in the oven should aim for a moderate exercise routine of 150 minutes or more per week — or about 30 minutes most days of the week. Remember, three 10-minute sessions count as much as one 30-minute workout.

Aside from the obvious options like aerobic exercise, strength training and yoga, anything that gets your heart pumping, even gardening or housework, is good for your body and future baby.

How much exercise is too much when I’m trying to conceive?

Most of us don’t come anywhere near hitting our exercise limits whether we’re trying to conceive or are already pregnant. However, if you’re a seasoned athlete or regularly training for athletic competitions, there is a chance you’re getting too much of a good thing. In fact, some research has shown that five or more hours of high-intensity workouts per week may increase the time it takes to conceive.

Still, that very well may be because intense training without adequate nutrition depletes your body of essential baby-making nutrients and increases the odds that you’ll weigh in at an underweight body mass index (BMI), which can alter your menstrual cycle and even halt ovulation.

If you’re looking to get pregnant soon and aren’t sure if your workout routines are too strenuous, now’s a good time to have your doctor weigh in on your routine. He or she may also possibly hook you up with a registered dietitian to make sure you’re getting the nutrition you need.

Best pre-pregnancy workouts

If you’re actively trying to get pregnant, sperm and egg can meet at any time, making you officially pregnant even if you haven’t gotten the happy confirmation from a pregnancy test. That’s why you’re safest sticking with workouts that get the green light for the expecting set.

Keep in mind, it’s always a good idea to get your doctor’s green light on your workouts. Once you get the go-ahead, be sure to listen to your body, rest when you need to, and drink plenty of water. 

When you do become pregnant, certain exercises are off-limits, especially ones with a higher risk of injury (like downhill skiing and contact sports). You will be able to go back to your pre-pregnancy exercise routine after you deliver — when you can find the time!

Here are a few exercises that are considered safe whether you’re trying to conceive or are already pregnant:

Running and walking

Both walking and running are excellent cardiovascular workouts, especially since you don’t need any special equipment (aside from a trusty pair of sneakers). Once you are expecting, walking is safe and recommended right up to delivery day. 

And it’s perfectly fine for experienced runners to stay on track, as long as you get your doctor’s okay, listen to your body and stick to level terrain. That said, now’s also not the ideal time to risk injury by training for your first marathon or working toward a five-minute mile.

Strength training

Weight lifting builds muscle tone and bone strength — both of which will help keep you in top shape during pregnancy. To avoid risking injury, opt for lighter weights with more repetitions (12 to 15), or focus on resistance exercises that use your own body weight, like lunges, squats, crunches and push-ups.

Even CrossFit and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can be okay when you’re expecting if you’ve been at them for years and get the okay from your practitioner. Just avoid jumping and jarring movements. Be sure to take breathers when you need them as well as frequent water breaks.

Pilates, barre and yoga

Barre, yoga and Pilates are ideal exercises if you’re trying to get pregnant, since they build strength, balance, endurance and muscle tone — all things that will help your conception efforts. 

Yoga, in particular, is designed to help you relax, which is especially important when you’re TTC. That said, yoga injuries are common, and they can derail your baby-making efforts (imagine trying to get busy under the sheets with a back injury!), so it’s smart  to seek out the guidance of a teacher who can help you pinpoint your body’s limits.

If you’re a fan of the super-hot Bikram yoga, you’ll probably want to cool it for now as well. This form of yoga involves doing poses in a room that’s heated to between 95 and 105 degrees, and exercising in an overly-hot room isn’t safe for a brand-new developing fetus. Talk with your yoga instructor (and your doctor) to find the yoga style that will work for you.


Swimming is low-impact exercise that builds muscle tone and offers fantastic cardiovascular benefits. Swimming, in particular, is ideal for expecting moms since it makes you feel weightless and can help relieve common early pregnancy symptoms like nausea and swelling.

Indoor cycling

As long as you’ve been spinning your wheels for at least six months, indoor cycling is another safe, low-impact exercise that’s safe up through pregnancy. Just make sure to drink plenty of water and take breaks if you get super winded or overheated.

Signs you’re overdoing it on the exercise

It might be time to tone down the frequency, pace and duration of your workouts if you feel excessively tired, irritable, have muscle or joint pain, or can’t get a good night’s sleep. All of these symptoms can mean you’re overdoing it, whether you’re pregnant or not, and putting yourself at greater risk of injury. Also be sure to check in with your doctor if your menstrual cycle becomes erratic, since keeping your period on track makes it a whole lot easier for egg to meet sperm.

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9 Ways to Boost Fertility Naturally

Boost Fertility

Boost Fertility. Looking for ways to boost your fertility naturally? There are a host of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) techniques that may help you conceive.


If you’re looking for ways to up your chances of getting pregnant, it may be worthwhile to explore some natural fertility treatments.

Of course, most complementary and alternative therapies still aren’t as well studied as traditional fertility boosters — so they do come with caveats — but as long as you explore them responsibly and talk with your practitioner about which natural ways to boost fertility you’d like to try, holistic help may give your chances a lift.


If images of a magician’s act come to mind when you think of hypnosis, then it’s time to reframe how you think about this form of trained concentration. Hypnosis is used to treat a range of conditions, such as anxiety, eating disorders and, yes, fertility.

Some experts think it can enhance fertility by promoting relaxation, which may help prime the body for baby-making — especially if stress or anxiety has been standing in the way of your pregnancy plans.

How does stress interfere with fertility? Stress creates a fight-or-flight response that tells the body to release hormones such as cortisol, which in turn upsets the hormonal balance needed for ovulation, fertilization and implantation of an egg.

It follows, then, that decreasing stress through hypnosis could boost fertility. But scientific research hasn’t yet established a solid link between hypnosis and increased fertility. If hypnosis sounds like something you might want to try, you can learn the technique with a therapist.

The caveats: Since there’s been little scientific research on hypnosis for fertility, it’s unclear whether it’ll be effective for you. You’d be smart not to pin your hopes on hypnosis, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give it a try. It won’t harm you or your chances of getting pregnant. The worst-case scenario is that you commit some time and money getting spellbound to no avail.


Yoga is an ancient spiritual practice that combines physical postures (asanas) with breathing techniques and meditation. Research shows that yoga can help boost fertility rates among women undergoing assistive reproductive technology (ART), possibly by lowering their stress levels and lowering levels of the hormone cortisol, which can interfere with your fertility.

Plus, yoga can also help people lose weight, which may also help get your body ready for baby. In fact, some fertility clinics have even introduced “fertility yoga” sessions to their agendas.

The caveat: If you do Bikram yoga, which takes place in a room that’s heated to between 95 and 105 degrees Fahrenheit, you might want to take your workout to a cooler room, which is safer for a developing fetus.

Keep in mind that there’s no evidence showing that yoga can boost your fertility directly. Struggling to conceive can be stressful, so practicing activities that promote relaxation, such as yoga, might help relieve some of that stress.

Stress relaxation techniques

Beyond hypnosis and yoga, other mind-body relaxation techniques such as meditation, guided visualization and talk therapy (one-on-one with a counselor or in a support group) can help relieve stress.

And since stress might interfere with fertility, any of these stress-busting methods may help you get in a baby-making frame of mind and body.

The caveats: While mind-body relaxation techniques are certainly a positive way to go, if you’re over 35 and you find that it’s taking you longer than six months to get pregnant, or you’re younger than 35 and you’ve been trying to conceive for longer than a year, you might want to talk with your practitioner about your options beyond natural fertility treatments.

You won’t want to delay finding other help that could get you on the baby bandwagon, even if you are lowering your stress levels while you wait.


You probably know that acupuncture involves inserting tiny, thin needles into specific points in the body. But you may not know how it may help with what ails you.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the needles unblock energy (or chi) and increase blood flow to promote a state of balance in the body. According to Western doctors, the needles stimulate the nervous system to release chemicals that help alleviate pain and promote healing. (MRIs even show that acupuncture has an effect in the brain.)

Where fertility is concerned, acupuncture may improve blood supply to reproductive organs, stimulate hormones, regulate ovulation and decrease stress — all of which may help increase your chances of getting pregnant.

For this reason, acupuncture is one of the most popular natural fertility treatments, and not just for women. For men, it may increase sperm quality and count.

Acupuncture can be a treatment in and of itself or it can be part of a holistic treatment plan that may include herbs, nutritional counseling or other holistic techniques.

The caveats: Experts debate the merits of acupuncture, and not all studies show that it’s effective on the fertility front. Plus, in order for it to have a chance at working, you’ll likely need to have regular acupuncture sessions, which can be pricey.

But if you’re willing to invest the time and money, it may be worth a shot (or a poke!). Just be sure to choose a reputable acupuncturist and discuss any herbal supplements with your practitioner.


Exercise can help get your body in shape — baby-making-shape, that is. Women who do moderate amounts of physical activity can also see a small boost in their fertility levels, suggests some research. 

Another reason it’s a good idea to start a workout regimen: Once you do get pregnant, exercise can lower your risk of complications like gestational diabetes and speed up your recovery after giving birth.

The caveat: It’s possible to have too much of a good thing — and exercise is no exception. Doing a lot of strenuous physical activity, such as five or more hours of high-intensity exercise, might actually make it harder to get pregnant, possibly because you may be sapping your body of the nutrition needed to conceive.

Weight management

About 12 percent of all infertility cases are the result of being under- or overweight, so it follows that keeping your weight within the recommended levels can boost your odds of reproductive success.

Women with a body mass index (BMI) of 18.4 or less might stop making the hormone estrogen, which can cause irregular menstrual cycles and hamper ovulation (i.e. the release of an egg from the ovary). Being overweight or obese (with a BMI of 25 or higher), however, could also cause your body to make more estrogen, which can likewise interfere with your period and prevent you from ovulating.

Weight gain is also one symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a condition that affects about 1 in 10 women in their reproductive years and can interfere with fertility.

The caveat: Talk to your doctor before you try to lose — or gain — weight. The goal is to get your BMI within the healthy parameters safely, often by changing your diet or exercise habits.

Diet and nutrition

Need a good reason to shore up your diet pre-pregnancy? There’s solid evidence that eating a healthy diet can help you conceive.

Eating high-fiber foods, vegetable proteins and monounsaturated fats may be linked with a lower risk of infertility, according to a Harvard University study. Another bonus: Eating a healthy diet can help keep your weight in the recommended range, which can also boost your odds of baby-making success.

The caveat: There’s no magic diet that will help you get pregnant, but in general, it’s a good idea to eat more vegetables and healthy fats, while cutting back on sugary carbohydrates and trans fat.

Dark leafy greens are a particular good pre-pregnancy diet choice — experts tell women who are trying to conceive to start eating 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid for at least a month before trying getting pregnant.

Vitamins and supplements

 Similar to how eating a healthy diet might help give your fertility levels a boost, getting enough of certain nutrients could potentially help you conceive.

For example, some research suggests that women who have a harder time getting pregnant might be lacking in certain nutrients, including vitamins D, B6 and B12. And taking antioxidants such as vitamins C and E might help boost fertility levels by strengthening your body’s defenses against harmful free radicals, which, in too-high amounts, could make it harder for you to ovulate or for egg cells to mature.

The caveat: If you’re already getting enough nutrients in your diet, popping more of them in pill form isn’t likely to give you more of a baby-making edge — and could even be harmful.

Plus, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) doesn’t regulate herbal supplements in the same way it regulates medications, so you can’t always be sure that the contents in the bottle match up with those on the label. If you want to try a supplement, talk to your doctor first.

Chiropractic care

Some research indicates that chiropractic adjustment (the manipulation of the spine and other areas of the body) may enhance fertility. How? The nerves to the reproductive system run through the spine — and manipulating the spine may help improve hormone balance and improve the chances of getting pregnant.

The caveats: There’s no scientific evidence that chiropractic care can help with fertility, so there’s no guarantee that it will work. Plus, as you might imagine, chiropractic care could be dangerous in the hands of the wrong practitioner. Making spinal adjustments is a very tricky business, so you’ll want to be sure to get a referral to a reputable chiropractor.

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Is It Implantation Bleeding or Just My Period?


Implantation bleeding can mimic period bleeding, but it could also mean that you’re pregnant. Here’s how to tell whether spotting or light bleeding is a sign of pregnancy, your period or something else.


When you’re actively trying to get pregnant, those two weeks between ovulation and a positive home pregnancy test (or your period) can seem much longer. If you’re like most women, you’ll spend them hyper-aware of every ache, twinge and craving your body has, wondering whether it’s an early sign of pregnancy.

While it can be hard to tell, many women who go on to have healthy, normal pregnancies have what’s called implantation bleeding around the time that their embryo lodges itself into the side of the uterus.

What is implantation bleeding?

Implantation bleeding is light bleeding or spotting that occurs between seven and 14 days after fertilization.

After ovulation and at the moment an egg is successfully fertilized by a sperm in a fallopian tube, the embryo starts dividing and growing. At this time, the inner lining of the uterus, called the endometrium, starts to change. It’s already been thickening throughout the menstrual cycle, but it’ll need to grow and mature even more to protect and nourish an embryo.

Around five to six days after fertilization, the quickly growing embryo has moved down the fallopian tube and into the uterus. It’s starting to need more nutrients, and the endometrium has filled in enough to support it.

Next, the embryo attaches itself to the endometrium, where it becomes reliant on a mother’s body — for the first time — for nutrients and oxygen. When the embryo implants, it can disrupt tiny blood vessels in the spot it burrows into. This won’t cause any problems (the endometrium recovers!) but some women will experience light bleeding, from pinkish or red to brown discharge.

When does implantation bleeding happen?

So-called implantation bleeding will likely arrive earlier than your expected monthly menstrual period, usually around seven to 10 days after fertilization or conception.

Signs of implantation bleeding

These are some of the most common implantation bleeding symptoms:

  • Light bleeding or spotting that some women say is different from normal period bleeding because the blood is darker
  • Mild cramping
  • A woozy feeling
  • Swollen breasts
  • ራስ ምታት

Implantation bleeding vs. period bleeding: How to tell the difference

Since implantation bleeding is a symptom that can often occur before you test positive on a pregnancy test, it can be hard to know whether light bleeding is an early sign of pregnancy or just normal spotting leading up to your period. And unfortunately, there’s no conclusive way to find out.

The best way to know whether you’re pregnant or not is to wait a few more days and take a pregnancy test. The timing of when you last had sex might also help you figure it out. If it’s been more than two weeks, it’s unlikely that any spotting you’re having is implantation bleeding.

About a third of women who report having experienced implantation bleeding often describe it as distinct from their usual premenstrual spotting — some say the blood is darker and not as red compared with normal period blood. Others have mild cramping at the same time as the spotting.

But for many women, the two types of bleeding aren’t different at all. So you’re not alone if you assume that some spotting is implantation bleeding and get your period a few days later, or if you assume that implantation bleeding is normal spotting and end up being pregnant!

How long does implantation bleeding last?

Implantation bleeding usually only lasts one or two days. 

When to call the doctor

Light bleeding during pregnancy — even at times other than implantation — is often normal. Causes can include mundane things like irritation of the cervix following a pelvic exam, sex or infection of the vagina.

But because bleeding following a positive pregnancy test can sometimes be a sign of ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy or other early miscarriage, you should always call your medical provider if you experience it so you can talk through any other symptoms. Try not to worry too much though. Chances are good that if the bleeding is light and doesn’t last long, everything is fine.

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