Worried about the baby formula shortage? Here’s what to do

formula shortage

Many parents are scrambling to find formula right now due to the current baby formula shortage. If you can’t find your baby’s formula, try switching formulas (unless your baby is using a medical or hypoallergenic formula), buying the liquid version, or asking your baby’s doctor for help. Never try to make your own formula, dilute formula, or substitute toddler formula or goat’s milk for baby formula.


What should I do if I can’t find baby formula?

Don’t panic. If you can’t find your baby’s formula on store shelves as usual, you have some options:

Switch formula

While some of the most popular infant formula brands can be hard to find now, there are still other formulas available. And many of them are alike, which means your baby can probably switch with no problem, whether they’re taking cow’s-milk based, soy-based, or gentle formulas (made with partially broken down milk proteins).

Your baby may have a little adjusting to do (you may notice a little gas or runny stool), but within a week or two they should be comfortable with the new formula.

To help make the switch easier on your baby, look for a similar formula from a different brand. Check to see that the new formula that matches the proteins (nonfat milk, milk protein isolate, or whey, for example) and carbohydrates (lactose, corn-syrup solids, or maltodextrin, for example) in the previous formula.

There’s nothing wrong with generic brands, either. Read the labels, which will sometimes tell you which name brand the generics are similar to, which is helpful.

Combining the two formulas at first (if you have some of the original formula left) can also help ease the transition. Mix them separately, according to formula directions, and then combine them. You might adjust the ratio of the original to new formula over the course of a few days (with less and less of the original formula over time) until your baby is drinking just the new formula.

Note: If your baby is using a special formula (a medical or hypoallergenic formula – including Similac Alimentum, Similac Elecare, or Similac PM60/40), talk with their doctor before switching. You’ll need more guidance to get your baby what they need.

If you make a switch in formula, be sure to carefully check the mixing instructions on the can. 

Buy the liquid version of your baby’s formula

Ready-to-feed bottles of the same infant formulas aren’t affected by the recall and aren’t likely to be in short supply. (Liquid formula is sterilized with a heating process that can’t be used for powdered formula, and so they’re not at the same risk of contamination.) They’re expensive, though – which is why they may be more readily available.

Broaden your shopping horizons

If you normally shop at big-box stores for formula, try drug stores and smaller stores, which may still have your baby’s formula in stock. You might also try well-recognized online distributors (the manufacturer, for example, but not questionable sources).

Talk with your baby’s healthcare provider

If you’re out of formula, ask your baby’s healthcare provider if they have samples on hand or if they can help you get a can from the local formula representatives or a local charity.

Things not to do if you can’t find baby formula

It can be very stressful dealing with the baby formula shortage, but here are some things that aren’t safe to try:

Don’t make your own formula

Getting the right mix of formula ingredients and combining them safely isn’t easy, and making a mistake can result in very serious consequences for an infant. Homemade baby formula may cause nutritional deficiencies or imbalances, for example, or it may be contaminated during its creation.

Don’t dilute formula

Never dilute (add more water to) baby formula because you’re running low. A baby who is fed diluted formula won’t receive the nutrition and electrolytes they need. Follow the mixing directions on the can exactly.

Don’t use formula that’s past its “use by” date

There’s a big difference between eating a piece of fruit that’s a bit past its prime and giving your baby formula that’s beyond its “use by” date. Until that date, the formula contains the nutrients stated on the product label. After that date, there are no guarantees about content or quality.

Don’t substitute milks for formula

Avoid giving your baby other milk in place of formula shortage, including:

  • Toddler formulas. Even for toddlers, these milks are unnecessary – and they’re less nutritious than regular milk. They also don’t provide the same nutritional content as infant formulas. Doctors says it’s okay to give toddler formula shortage to your baby if they’re older than 6 months and the need is urgent, but only for a few days.
  • Cow’s milk. Babies can’t digest cow’s milk well until age 1. It also doesn’t contain enough iron for your baby’s development. However, if you have no other options and your baby is over 6 months old, using cow’s milk for a brief period is a better option than diluting formula or making homemade formula.
  • Goat’s milk. Feeding babies raw goat’s milk is associated with a number of health dangers, including allergic reactions and infections.
  • Plant milks. These alternative milks (like almond milk) are often low in protein and minerals. They don’t have the nutrients your baby needs.
  • Soy milk. Babies over 6 months of age can have soy milk for a few days if the need is urgent, but change back to formula asap. And choose soy milk that’s fortified with protein and calcium.

Should I breastfeed my baby longer because of the formula shortage?

If you’re already breastfeeding your baby, you might consider continuing longer than planned because of the formula shortage. Or, if you’re both breastfeeding and formula feeding your baby, you may want to consider exclusively breastfeeding.

Of course, it may not be possible to breastfeed for a number of reasons, including medical issues and an inability to pump at work, so if this isn’t feasible for you, there are still many ways to get formula to feed your baby.

If you can breastfeed your baby, there are definitely some pros to extending the time you breastfeed: You won’t have to worry about finding food for your baby, and breastfeeding is much more affordable than formula (even if you count the extra calories you’ll consume and the cost of a breast pump, if you’ll need one). There are many health advantages, too.

While breastfeeding your baby for any amount of time is advantageous, the benefits increase over time. Even after your baby starts eating solid foods, breast milk can continue to provide nutrients and immunities. Breastfeeding protects your baby against gastrointestinal infections, respiratory illness, COVID-19, ear infections, urinary tract infections, neonatal sepsis, and SIDS. In one large study, children who were not breastfed or who were partially breastfed had about twice the risk of mortality up to age 2 years (from infection and other causes) as those who were exclusively breastfed for five months.

Continued breastfeeding is good for your health, too. Research shows that the longer women breastfeed, the more they’re protected against breast and ovarian cancer. Breastfeeding may also reduce your risks of developing endometrial cancer, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and cardiovascular disease.

Should I try to relactate because of the baby formula shortage?

Some women can relactate, or even start breastfeeding even if they’ve never nursed their baby before.

But it’s a big commitment, and it takes time – sometimes days, but sometimes weeks or months. So it may not be the most reliable solution to empty store shelves. Still, if you’d like to start breastfeeding your baby now, you may be able to produce enough milk to meet their needs. (In some cases, supplementation is still necessary.)

Relactation involves nursing and/or pumping or hand-expressing milk throughout the day and night to build your milk supply. Some women also try herbs or medications to increase their milk supply.

A supplemental nursing system (SNS) may be very helpful. The formula or milk travels along tubes that are taped along your breasts to the ends of your nipples. Your baby receives the liquid in the system, along with any breast milk, when they suck. This will enable you to give your baby any milk you’ve expressed, as well as supplemental formula. (Babies can be reluctant to continue to nurse if they’re not getting milk.) Once your milk supply is established, you can nurse your baby without the tube.

It’s very important to monitor your baby’s weight once you start breastfeeding them. Your baby’s provider can help make sure your baby is gaining appropriately.

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