Postpartum varicose veins

Postpartum varicose veins

Postpartum Varicose veins in pregnancy are most common in your legs. These bulging, enlarged veins can feel achy or itchy but are otherwise typically harmless. Postpartum varicose veins often fade or disappear within 12 weeks of giving birth. Techniques to alleviate Postpartum varicose veins in the pregnancy and postpartum periods include elevating your legs, wearing compression stockings, avoiding tight clothing, and sticking to a low-sodium diet.


What are varicose veins?

Postpartum varicose veins are bulging, enlarged veins, most common in your legs. They can look dark blue or purple, and twisted like a cord. Varicose veins can also form on your vagina or vulva. In fact, varicose veins in your rectum are called hemorrhoids.

What causes varicose veins in pregnancy?

During pregnancy, your body goes through many changes. Your blood volume increases by 50 percent, putting extra pressure on your veins. In addition, the hormones of pregnancy (progesterone, mainly) cause relaxation of your smooth muscles – the ones that line your veins!  Lastly, your growing uterus puts pressure on the larger veins in your pelvis and abdomen. This, in turn, increases the pressure within the veins of your legs, making it more difficult for them to return blood back to your heart, and causing them to swell and bulge. About 30 percent of first-time moms with no prior history develop Postpartum varicose veins in pregnancy. Genetics will often play a role in this, too.

Symptoms of varicose veins can include:

  • An achy feeling in your legs
  • Itching around your veins
  • Skin discoloration
  • Muscle cramping and swelling in your legs
  • Worse pain after standing or sitting for a long period of time

I developed varicose veins in pregnancy. Why do I still have them postpartum?

Postpartum varicose veins in pregnancy typically improve postpartum and fade or disappear about 12 weeks after you deliver. But if you had Postpartum varicose veins before pregnancy, have had multiple pregnancies, have a family history of varicose veins, are overweight, or tend to stand for long periods, your varicose veins might not shrink as much postpartum.

What are some ways to minimize varicose veins in pregnancy?

Postpartum varicose veins in pregnancy are mostly harmless. To minimize your varicose veins in pregnancy and postpartum, try these suggestions:

  • Exercise. A brisk walk around the block each day can improve your circulation and blood flow back to the heart. If you’re able to swim, the weightless exercise can help without putting pressure on your legs.
  • Elevate your feet and legs. Rest your legs on a stool when you’re sitting and elevate your feet on a pillow when you’re lying down.
  • Take breaks to move around. Avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time.
  • Try compression stockings. Compression stockings improve circulation and help treat Postpartum varicose veins that are causing uncomfortable symptoms. They fit tightest at the foot and gradually loosen as they go up your leg. Doctors usually recommend wearing them throughout the day. Talk to your provider about support hose, where to buy a pair and exactly what kind to buy. Some go to the knee, others to the thigh, and others go up around your belly. They come in different compression strengths, too. What is best for you depends on where on your legs your varicose veins Postpartum varicose veins are located.
  • Watch what you wear. Other than compression stockings, avoid tight clothing around your waist, legs, or groin. Compression stockings evenly distribute a gentle pressure to support your veins, however a tight belt, for example, applies pressure at one specific point. And stick to low-heeled shoes rather than high heels.
  • Ditch the salt. Eat a low-sodium diet to prevent water retention and swelling.

Are there safe treatment options for varicose veins postpartum?

Yes. If your Postpartum varicose veins don’t improve within a few months postpartum and are making you uncomfortable, you have a few different safe treatment options. Researchers suggest delaying treatment for up to six to nine months postpartum to avoid treating varicose veins that end up improving. You may also want to avoid treating your varicose veins if you’re planning on another pregnancy in the future. Another pregnancy will just cause the condition to return and worsen again. Vascular surgeons are the ones who typically provide treatment for varicose veins. They might start with an ultrasound to see if the deep veins in your leg are functioning normally.

Treatment will be determined by the location and severity of your Postpartum varicose veins; options include.

Should I be concerned about my varicose veins?

There are a few symptoms to look out for if you have varicose veins. Ulcers are a possible complication. A discolored spot on the skin typically develops first, often around your ankles. Call your provider if you suspect you’ve developed one. Bleeding from varicose veins is also possible and warrants medical attention. Superficial spider veins can sometimes can cause small harmless clots to develop, which is called superficial thrombophlebitis. Sometimes this can lead to a skin infection in the area.

Lastly, if you have new, one-sided, persistent leg pain and/or swelling, this could indicate a blood clot. Your leg can be tender, warm to the touch, and even pink or dusky.  The veins deep within your leg can become blocked with a clot, thus becoming enlarged, causing swelling and leg pain. Reach out to your doctor immediately regarding a potential blood clot – they’re rare, but pregnancy does make you more susceptible. If your doctor is suspicious, they will order an ultrasound to examine the blood flow in the area.

The great news? Varicose veins in pregnancy and postpartum are usually not serious, and complications are rare. Talk to your practitioner, consider the above suggestions, and remember, your veins will likely clear up before your baby’s first birthday – and perhaps long before.

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