Carpal tunnel after pregnancy: How to get relief

Carpal tunnel

Carpal tunnel syndrome – a condition that causes pain, numbness, and tingling in your wrists and hands – is common during pregnancy and can sometimes linger after you give birth. There are many remedies for postpartum carpal tunnel, including splints, simple exercises, over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medicines, and steroid shots. Carpal tunnel usually lets up on its own, but in some cases, you may need a minor surgical procedure to relieve pressure on your nerves. Call your provider right away if you notice sudden swelling in your hands, as this could be a sign of postpartum preeclampsia.


  • What is postpartum carpal tunnel? 
  • How to relieve postpartum carpal tunnel 
  • Will carpal tunnel after pregnancy go away on its own? 

What is postpartum carpal tunnel?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that causes pain, numbness, and tingling in your hands, wrists, and arms. It’s common during pregnancy, and sometimes lingers after you give birth, thanks to postpartum swelling that can compress the median nerve in your hand and trigger symptoms. (You can also develop carpal tunnel postpartum even if you didn’t have symptoms during pregnancy.)  

Research shows that almost 30 percent of pregnant women will develop carpal tunnel in pregnancy – and about 15 percent of moms will still have carpal tunnel a month after giving birth. Some experts believe that risk factors for carpal tunnel may include excessive weight gain during pregnancy and gestational diabetes. Most new moms find that the symptoms resolve on their own within three months, but for some, it can persist and even worsen.

Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include:

  • Numbness, tingling, burning, and pain in your thumbs and fingers
  • Shock-like sensations that travel down your arms to your thumbs and fingers
  • Pain or tingling that shoots up your forearm. (The pain is usually worse at night, and can even disturb your sleep.)
  • Hand weakness that makes it hard to do things, such as button clothes. You may also find yourself dropping things frequently.

If your hands or wrists ever swell up suddenly, call your healthcare provider right away – especially if the swelling is accompanied by a severe headache, changes in your vision, upper abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting, or shortness of breath. These are all potential symptoms of postpartum preeclampsia, a serious condition that requires prompt treatment.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is different than De Quervain’s tenosynovitis, another common cause of wrist pain after pregnancy. De Quervain’s is marked by inflammation of the tendon that runs down your forearm, through your wrist, and to your thumb. Many moms experience symptoms of De Quervain’s, which are similar to postpartum carpal tunnel syndrome, since it can develop by overusing your wrist – to hold and feed a newborn, for example.

How to relieve postpartum carpal tunnel

Fortunately, there are many remedies that can help relieve some of the pain associated with postpartum carpal tunnel. Talk to your healthcare provider about what’s best, which may include:

  • Bracing or splinting. Wearing a wrist splint or brace works to keep your wrist in a neutral position, which reduces pressure on the median nerve.
  • Hand exercises. Your provider may recommend certain exercises and stretches to help the median nerve move more freely within the carpal tunnel and improve range of motion. A short course of physical therapy may also help.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Medications such as ibuprofen and naproxen can help relieve pain and inflammation during the postpartum period, though it’s worth noting that they’re not recommended during pregnancy. (It’s best to talk to your provider before taking any pain medications, especially if you’re breastfeeding.)
  • Steroid injections. These can temporarily relieve inflammation, and they’re safe for breastfeeding moms. If there’s evidence of ongoing nerve damage though, surgery to repair the issue may be necessary.

You may have read that taking a daily dose of vitamin B6 can help alleviate carpal tunnel symptoms, but that’s only true if you have a true B6 deficiency. If you’re eating a healthy, balanced diet, you’re getting the postpartum nutrients and vitamins you need.

Will carpal tunnel after pregnancy go away on its own?

It depends. The pain usually goes away gradually as the swelling from pregnancy subsides. But if your carpal tunnel pain still persists even after the swelling resolves, you may need to wear a wrist splint or have a minor surgical procedure to relieve the pressure on your median nerve.

During the procedure, a small incision is made in your palm so the transverse carpal ligament, which pushes into the median nerve as the carpal tunnel swells and prevents it from functioning properly, can be cut. Once the ligament cut is made, pressure is alleviated, allowing the median nerve to do its job. The surgery isn’t painful, but recovery can take several weeks.

Because carpal tunnel can cause nerve damage, it’s important to let your healthcare provider know about your pain. Bring it up at your postpartum checkup if you’re still feeling soreness or tingles, and they can assess the appropriate next steps.

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