21 Weeks Pregnant: Baby Weight, Symptoms, Baby Size, Movement, What to Expect

የ 21 ሳምንታት ነፍሰ ጡር: የሕፃን መጠን, ምልክቶች, ምን እንደሚበሉ እና ጠቃሚ ምክሮች

ሁለተኛ ከሶስት እስከ ስድስት ወር እርግዝና

ልጅሽ አሁን የካሮት መጠን ያክላል።

ሕፃኑ ያድጋል

Main Topics

ዋና ነጥቦች

የሆድሽ ትልቀት

The baby’s estimated size will now be measured according to the fundal height – that is, the distance from your pubic bone to the top of the uterus.

The Inevitable Stretch Marks

The incurable stretch marks will now start making an appearance. However, they’ll start fading from the time your baby turns 1.

የእርግዝና ወሳኝ ደረጃ

በ ሳምንት 21፣ አምስተኛው ወር ላይ ነሽ!

የልጅዎ እድገት

ሳምንት 21
የፅንሱ እድገት

Untitled design 21

ልጅዎ ምን ያህል ትልቅ ነው?

This week, although your little one is getting taller, there is still enough space to roll, twist and move in the womb. The digestive system, spleen and intestines are maturing fast for digestion.

Baby’s taste buds can sense different tastes depending on the mother’s food intake. Those tiny eyelids and eyebrows are formed and it is possible for the baby to blink.



136 g


26.7 cm

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size of carrot

የእናት የሰውነት መለወጥ


ምን ይቀየራል?

Stretch marks, the proud badge of pregnancy appears on the belly, hips, thigh and breasts in most pregnant women.

You may find it difficult to sleep on your tummy and experience disturbed sleep; think of it as nature’s way of preparing you to take care of the baby after birth. Do not stress over your body image; you are nurturing a life inside and that makes you automatically beautiful.

ማወቁ ጥሩ ነው!

የእርግዝና ምልክቶች

pic week 20 fdf

Varicose veins

As you continue to gain weight, the veins in your legs bear the brunt. This increased pressure can make you prone to varicose veins.

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Itchy Skin

The growing belly and breasts will make the skin around itchy, while stretch marks also appear.

Group 12729

Pregnancy Cravings

Those pregnancy cravings will hit hard during this phase as you start craving for weird foods at odd hours.

የልጅዎ ቅርጽ

የእርግዝና ምክሮች

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  • Stretch marks- you cannot prevent it, so you might as well embrace it. However, there are ways to make these marks fade away, post pregnancy.
  • The fast growing nails are a bit of a problem. Try a simple manicure at home without giving much pressure. It might also help to lighten up your mood.
  • Keep your windows and doors open for natural ventilation and adjust your AC for a suitable temperature while sleeping. Try natural food that cools your body.
  • Give a green pass for healthy food cravings and restrict the strange ones. Try to drink plenty of water, eat healthy fruits, nuts and dark chocolates (occasionally) to keep your cravings at bay.
  • Use a good moisturizer or natural oil, like coconut oil, around itchy areas for relief.

መግዛት ያለባቹ ነገሮች

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