በ41ኛው ሳምንት እርግዝና፡ የህፃን ክብደት፣ ሊታለፉ የማይገቡ ምልክቶች፣ የህፃን አቀማመጥ፣ እንቅስቃሴ፣ ምን መጠበቅ አለብሽ

41 Weeks pregnant: Baby Size, Symptoms, What to Eat, Pregnancy Tips

ሦስተኛው ከስድስት እስከ ዘጠኝ ወር እርግዝና

Your baby is now the size of watermelon.

ሕፃኑ ያድጋል

ዋና ርዕሶች

ዋና ነጥቦች

Why newborns look so funny

Your baby’s head may look pointy from squeezing through the birth canal, and her skin may be peeling from her long bath in amniotic fluid.

Don’t try this at home

By the end of this week, you may need to be induced. Note: It’s not safe to try to get your labor going on your own.

Text, tweet, or update your status

How will you announce your baby’s birth? Most use social media or their phone, and others get more creative.


የልጅዎ እድገት

ሳምንት 41
የፅንሱ እድገት

41 1 1

ልጅዎ ምን ያህል ትልቅ ነው?

Almost there

Mother's Changing Body

41 2 1

ምን ይቀየራል?

Anxiety It's hard not to be anxious when your due date comes and goes and you're still hugely pregnant (especially when well-meaning family and friends keep calling to check on your status!).

But don't fret – you won't be pregnant forever. There's a good chance you'll go into labor on your own this week, and if you don't, you'll be induced by 42 weeks or earlier if you or your baby has any problems.

Kicking Keep paying attention to your baby's movements, and let your doctor or midwife know right away if they seem to decrease. Your baby should remain active right up to delivery, and a noticeable slowdown in activity could be a sign of a problem.

Leaking fluid? Also call if you think your water may have broken. Sometimes there's a big gush of fluid, but sometimes there's only a small gush or a slow leak. (Don't try to make the diagnosis yourself. Call even if you only suspect you have a leak.) If your water breaks but contractions don't start soon, you'll be induced.

ማወቁ ጥሩ ነው!

የልጅዎ ቅርጽ

የእርግዝና ምክሮች

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  • Get support if you're still pregnant

    Fed up with the waiting game? Check in with other moms-to-be in your Birth club who are feeling stalled too.

  • Do something nice for yourself

    Whether it's a mani-pedi, a prenatal massage, a movie night, or something else, go ahead and treat yourself.

መግዛት ያለባቹ ነገሮች

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