When can babies have avocado?



Avocados are a great first food for babies – they’re dense in nutrients and easy to eat. You can give your baby small pieces of avocado or mashed avocado as soon as they’re ready for solid foods, usually around 6 months old.

It’s important to offer your baby a variety of foods that are loaded with nutrients – not to mention easy to prepare and delicious. Avocados check all those boxes, so here’s what you need to know when getting ready to introduce them to your baby.

Are avocados good for babies?

Avocados are so loaded with healthy unsaturated fat that helps boost brain development, they’re considered one of the best first foods for babies. In fact, the fat composition of this fruit (yes, technically it’s a fruit) is similar to that of breast milk.

Avocados are also rich in fiber, which helps with digestion, and provide vitamins B6 and E, folate, and zinc. Those nutrients have been linked to higher immune function, better brain development, improved eye health, and even mood regulation.

Can babies be allergic to avocado?

Although some allergic reactions to avocado have been reported, it’s rare to be allergic to the fruit, and it isn’t considered a common allergen.

That said, if your baby has shown an allergic reaction to banana or kiwi, a reaction to avocado may be more likely. Symptoms to this type of allergy are usually itching or discomfort in or around the mouth.

Other signs of a food allergy include hives, itchy skin rashes, swelling, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. If you notice any of these symptoms in your baby after eating food, let their doctor know. If your baby has symptoms that involve multiple parts of the body (such as hives with vomiting or diarrhea), it could be an anaphylactic reaction.

Other signs of an anaphylactic reaction are throat tightness, breathing problems, wheezing, lightheadedness, and loss of consciousness. If your baby shows signs of an anaphylactic reaction, call emergency number or go to an emergency room immediately.

When introducing a potentially allergenic food, experts recommend giving it to your baby at home, rather than at daycare or a restaurant. Serve it for three to five days before offering another new food. That way you can monitor your baby for a reaction and know what’s likely causing it.

How to serve babies avocado

Ripe avocados feel slightly soft when squeezed gently. When you serve avocado to your baby for the first time, try giving them a small spoonful of ripe, mashed avocado. Once your baby is ready for more, you can cut an avocado into thin slices or small, bite-sized pieces.

Because ripe avocado pieces can be slippery to hold, you can create better grip by rolling the pieces in finely ground breadcrumbs, or crushed cereal. Not only does this make it easier for your baby to grasp, but it also adds more nutrients.

The flavor of avocado is so mild and neutral that it’s easy to pair with other flavors as a way to give your baby a nutrition boost anytime. You can mash avocado together with banana, serve slices along with scrambled eggs, or blend it with fruit and yogurt to make a smoothie. You can even add it to soups or bean dishes as a way to increase nutrient density without significantly affecting flavor.

Avocado puree for babies

Avocados are one of the easiest foods to serve as a puree. You can blend some up to make a smooth puree or you can simply mash it up with a fork to create a more textured puree. Once your baby advances from purees (around 8 to 9 months), serve avocados cut into small cubes. 

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