35 Weeks Pregnant: Baby Weight, Symptoms, Baby Position, Movement, Size, What to Expect

35 Weeks pregnant: Baby Size, Symptoms, What to Eat, Pregnancy Tips

Third Trimester

Your baby is now the size of a Honeydew Melon.

Baby Grows

Main Topics


Dropping In!

Around this week, your baby might start descending into your pelvis, giving room to your lungs but exerting more pressure on your bladder.

Pee Time

As the baby descends and the pressure builds on the bladder, you might feel like peeing quite often. However, don’t cut down on your water intake as this could make you dehydrated and constipated.

Pregnancy Milestone

At week 35, you’re in the eighth month.

Your Baby’s Development

Week 35
Baby’s Growth

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How Big is Your Baby?

At the end of the 35th week, your baby’s brain undergoes intense growth with neurons and their connection to the brain.

This will help the baby to receive brain stimulations with ease after birth. The skull surrounding the baby’s brain will remain soft because it will help the baby to easily squeeze through the birth canal during labour.

This week, your little one looks more like a newborn and only a few more weeks left for his/her official arrival.



2.4 kg


46.2 cm

cantaloupe 1

size of Honeydew melon

Mother’s Changing Body

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What to Expect?

As pregnancy progresses, your uterus has been expanded a thousand times its original size to accommodate the growing baby, amniotic fluid, sac, and placenta.

You might have gained about 11-13 kilograms by now which is considered normal in pregnant women.

You may occasionally experience breathlessness due to the pressure exerted by the uterus under the ribs. Try taking deeper breaths and rest when you feel exhausted.

Good to know!

Pregnancy Symptoms

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Clumsy Gait

Factors such as increased weight, hormonal changes, and looser ligaments all contribute to your balance being a bit off while walking.

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With the excitement of the initial months fizzling and constant kicking becoming tiring, most pregnant women might start feeling bored being pregnant.

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As your ballooning uterus reaches your rib cage, you’ll probably end up with a good deal of heartburn and bloating.

Your baby form

Pregnancy Tips

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  • To control swelling in the feet and ankles, add some cushions under the pillow and keep your feet on top of it at an elevated position.
  • To check frequent urination, limit your fluid intake as the bedtime draws closer but have sufficient water throughout the day. Never limit your water intake.
  • Read books about labour and breastfeeding or ask your gynecologist about the same to clear your doubts and get prepared for the big day.
  • Understand the difference between Braxton Hicks contractions and actual labour contractions to identify false alarms.

Items Recommendation

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