3 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms and Signs, Baby Size, What to Eat, Pregnancy Tips
3 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms and Signs, Baby Size, What to Eat, Pregnancy Tips
First Trimester
It grows at an impressive rate while making a journey to the uterus.
Baby grows
Main Topics
It’s Time To Test
At the end of this week, you might see two faint pink lines on your pregnancy test strip! If negative, try again after a few days.
Implantation may occur
Don’t panic! Even if you are pregnant, you might see a bit of spotting. This is usually due to the implantation of your baby into the lining of the uterus.
Doctor’s Appointment
Book an appointment with your doctor if your pregnancy is confirmed by the test strip. Your doctor might order a simple test to confirm your pregnancy.
Your Baby’s Development
By the 3rd week, the zygote (fertilized egg) divides into more cells. It grows at an impressive rate while making a journey to the uterus. The zygote carries chromosomes from both the biological mother and father, as such, making the genetic map of your baby.
Week 3 Baby’s Growth
How Big is Your Baby?
At this stage, the zygote becomes a blastocyst of hundreds of cells and implants itself to the uterine wall.
At this stage, your baby looks like a tiny ball that is around 0.2 mm, floating inside your belly.
Mother’s Changing Body
What to Expect?
As a little embryo has formed, some women may experience implantation bleeding, which is normal.
You may also feel pregnancy-nausea. Other than these few changes, you will feel absolutely healthy. If you are still concerned, consult with your doctor.
Pregnancy Symptoms
Even though you may not feel pregnant, you indeed have a baby growing inside you. You may feel-
No symptoms
Some women may not feel symptoms at all. They may still experience PMS-like symptoms.
Sore breasts
You may experience tenderness and soreness, which may be more than what you experienced during ovulation.
Increase in basal body temperature
Your basal body temperature may remain high this entire week.
Cramping & bloating
Progesterone may relax your muscles and make it difficult to digest food leading to gas or bloating or even some uncomfortable feeling inside your tummy.
A change in texture, colour, or consistency of your vaginal discharge. You may feel that your cervix is more wet, soft, and open.
Your baby's form
Pregnancy Tips
Drink plenty of water and juice
Manage your weight
Intake rich nutrients and supplements to support the nine months of pregnancy
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