22 Weeks Pregnant: Baby Weight, Symptoms, Baby Size, Movement, What to Expect

22 Weeks pregnant: Baby Size, Symptoms, What to Eat, Pregnancy Tips

Second Trimester

Your baby is now the size of cucumber.

Baby Grows

Main Topics


Upcoming Hair

Your baby’s head now has sprouting hair. It may grow slightly more until the time of delivery.

Baby Registry Shopping

It’s time now to fish out your baby registry with all the things you need to shop for the baby – onesies, diaper bags, nursing pillows, etc.

Pregnancy Milestone

At week 22, you’re in the fifth month!

Your Baby’s Development

Week 22
Baby’s Growth

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How Big is Your Baby?

Your baby’s senses mature fast with the development of sight, sound, touch, etc. The baby begins to touch his/her face and neck, suck thumb, hold the umbilical cord and practice grasping reflexes.

The little muscles of your champ are finely formed along with the development of reproductive organs. Other organs of the body are also developing at a fast pace due to the action of essential hormones.

The placenta continues to grow throughout the three trimesters of pregnancy to provide nourishment for the baby.



430 g


27.8 cm

cucumber 1

size of cucumber

Mother’s Changing Body

22 1

What to Expect?

This week, your waistline may expand in size with gradual weight gain and you will look more pregnant than fat.

This week, you may be able to sense your baby’s movements; your little champ may respond to your voice and other loud external noises pretty well.

For some expectant mothers, it may take a while to feel the movements; remember that every pregnancy is unique and the experiences vary for every mother.

Good to know!

Pregnancy Symptoms

Group 13

Growing Tummy; Swollen Legs

It is not just your tummy that is growing; you will also be experiencing swollen legs and cramps.

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As your appetite increases, you might experience constipation, especially if your water-intake is low.

Group 19

Belly Itch

Your belly might continue to itch as the skin continues to stretch to accommodate your growing baby.

Your baby form

Pregnancy Tips

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  • Continue to take your prescribed prenatal vitamins as they provide the required vitamins and nutrients for the baby’s normal growth and development.
  • You can include calcium and potassium rich foods like bananas, oranges etc., to fight leg cramps.
  • If your belly is dry and itchy due to stretch marks, continue rubbing mild moisturizer everyday and keep the skin hydrated.
  • Avoid harsh and complex workouts like jogging or running, instead try walking, yoga, stretches or swimming.

Items Recommendation

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