17 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Baby Size, Baby Weight, Belly Size, What to Expect

17 Weeks pregnant: Baby Size, Symptoms, What to Eat, Pregnancy Tips

Second Trimester

Your baby is now the size of a pear.

Baby Grows

Main Topics


Baby’s Thin Skin

Your baby still has very thin skin that can make blood vessels easily visible. The baby fat will soon start developing to plump up your baby.

Sleep On The Sides!

It is advisable to avoid sleeping on your back since the growing uterus tends to compress the major blood vessels that supply blood to your baby. Sleep on your sides instead.

Pregnancy Milestone

At week 17, you’re in the last leg of the fourth month

Your Baby’s Development

Week 17
Baby’s Growth

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How Big is Your Baby?

Your baby has become unique with the formation of fingerprints in his/her tiny fingers. Adipose tissue that contributes to body fat starts developing this week, which will regulate the baby’s temperature.

Now your baby can yawn, stretch, make facial expressions and listen to loud noises which may even startle your little sweet pea.



140 g


13 cm

pear 1 1

size of pear

Mother’s Changing Body


What to Expect?

Sailing through the fifth month can be quite smooth as the week 17 symptoms are less upsetting.

This week, your pregnant belly grows and pushes the intestine and other internal organs up and outwards to provide space for the uterus and the baby. You may feel a bit more energetic in the second trimester and experience an increased appetite.

Good to know!

Pregnancy Symptoms

pregnancy week by week symtoms4 week 4

Increased Body Heat

You may feel hot even if the room temperature is normal due to the extra blood supply in the body.

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Increased Appetite

At this stage, you may experience increased appetite which is a healthy sign that your baby needs nutrition.

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Sound Sleep

Some women may develop snoring, partly due to the growing belly and partly due to change in sleep position.

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As the growing belly shifts your center of gravity, it could leave you feeling dizzy and lightheaded. So take extra care during fitness sessions. Wear flat footwear as heels can make you fall during your bouts of unsteadiness.

Your baby form

Pregnancy Tips

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  • You can use nasal strips or elevated pillows to avoid snoring and if they don’t help, just let it go; after all it is a pregnancy symptom. If your husband feels uncomfortable, give him a couple of ear buds.
  • Eat more vegetables and fruits along with high fiber grains, nuts and milk. This will satisfy your increased appetite and keep a check on your weight gain.
  • Do not lie down immediately after eating as it will aggravate your heartburn and gas.

Items Recommendation

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