13 Weeks Pregnant: Baby Size, Symptoms, What to Eat, Pregnancy Tips

13 Weeks pregnant: Baby Size, Symptoms, What to Eat, Pregnancy Tips

End of First Trimester

Your baby is now the size of a Pea Pod

Baby Grows

Main Topics


Fluid Cycle

Your baby has now started to form a complete cycle of swallowing and excreting the amniotic fluid every few hours.

Up The Hydration Levels

You’ll now need to increase your own fluid intake. Be on the lookout for urine color – dark yellow means you need more fluids. Pale yellow or colorless means you’re well hydrated.

Pregnancy Milestone

At week 13, you’re nearing completion of your third month!

Your Baby’s Development

Week 13
Baby’s Growth

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How Big is Your Baby?

At this time of pregnancy, unique fingerprints are formed in your baby’s palms. Your baby is actively learning to kick, swallow, yawn and turn the head.

The eyelids are still fused and the vocal cords develop. The big-sized head takes up a proportional size to balance the body and now it measures one-third of the total size.

In the skeletal structure, the femur and clavicle bones develop first while the organs like stomach and intestines take shape from this week



23 g


7.4 cm

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size of Pea pod

Mother’s Changing Body

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What to Expect?

By this week, the placenta takes over the production of hormones related to pregnancy which will give some relief from nausea.

As the growing baby requires more nutrients, there is an increased supply of blood through the blood vessels which results in visible veins, mainly in the abdomen and breast regions. However, they’ll disappear after childbirth.

Good to know!

Pregnancy Symptoms

For most pregnant women, nearly all the symptoms would have gone by now. Although, some expectant moms might experience nausea, heartburn, indigestion, constipation, bloating and gas, as the body responds differently to each pregnant woman.

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Increased Sex drive

As a part of pregnancy symptom, most women experience increased sexual drive.

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A slight amount of pain is common during the first trimester. However, call your doctor if it doesn’t go away despite resting well.

Your baby's form​​

Pregnancy Tips

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  • Apples with skin have constipation-quelling fiber so it is important to eat an apple without peeling the skin to handle constipation issues.
  • If you still suffer from heartburn and indigestion, keep yourself away from spicy food items, chocolates, caffeinated drinks, alcohol, mint and fatty foods.
  • Visible veins may look cumbersome for a while but will disappear after childbirth, so do not worry about them. Try mild lotions as advised by your gynecologist, if required.
  • This is the best time to let your family, friends, and employer know that you are pregnant and plan for maternity leave in advance.

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