10 Weeks Pregnant: Baby Size, Symptoms, Foods to Eat, Body Changes

10 weeks pregnant: Baby Size, Symptoms, Foods to Eat, Pregnancy Tips

First Trimester

Your baby is now the size of a tiny tangerine

Baby grows

Main Topics


Tiny Heart Beat

On your prenatal visit this week, you’ll get a chance to hear your baby’s heartbeat on a fetal Doppler!

What You’ll Discover

You can schedule NIPT (Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing) this week. It tests for genetic disorders like Down Syndrome.

Pregnancy Milestone

At week 10,you’re in the first half of your third month!

Your Baby’s Development

Week 10
Baby’s Growth

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How Big is Your Baby?

In the 10th week, the facial features of the baby are recognisable and the teeth buds are forming under the gums. Various organs such as the heart, stomach and kidneys are functional in the soon-to-be baby.

Your little champ is getting stronger every day with the development of bones and cartilages apart from the formation of ankles and knees.



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3.1 cm

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size of tiny tangerine

Mother’s Changing Body

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What to Expect?

Due to pregnancy, your body produces an increased amount of progesterone and hCG which stimulate the oil glands and make your skin supple and smoother.

This, in turn, gives you the pregnancy glow. Your uterus has become the size of a grapefruit. In some expectant mothers, the pregnancy hormones cause anxiety and stress which results in pregnancy fear.

Calm your mind and activate your tired muscles by following a fitness regime like prenatal yoga.Good to know!

Pregnancy Symptoms

At week 10, some pregnant women may experience occasional headaches and dizziness as well as additional symptoms such as –

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A Thick Midsection

Due to bloating and slight weight gain, you might experience a thick midsection.

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Some expectant moms may experience constipation due to vomiting-induced low hydration and fibre intake. Therefore, drink more water.

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Excess Vaginal Discharge

You might have excess vaginal discharge that could be odourless or mild-smelling.

Your baby's form​​

Pregnancy Tips

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  • As the baby’s teeth buds are forming under the gums, it is essential to concentrate on the intake of Vitamin D.
  • Wear a panty liner to overcome discomfort caused by excess vaginal discharge.
  • Make sure you add whole grains, vegetables and fruits along with plenty of water to your diet to handle constipation.
  • Include your spouse in the routine clinical checkups and ultrasound. This will increase the bond between you and your spouse. The process of pregnancy can be exciting and stress-free if your spouse is involved.

Items Recommendation

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